How is military retirement pay calculated in a divorce?

How is military retirement pay calculated in a divorce?

Multiply 8.9% x the $4760 retirement, and the former spouse’s share under the old system comes to $425/mo. Compare that to the $175/mo the former spouse receives under the frozen benefit rule, and the new rule cost the former spouse almost 60% of the pre-NDAA retirement.

Which ethnic group has the lowest divorce rate?

The racial group with the lowest divorce rate was Asian-Americans, with only 18 percent of women and 16 percent of men reporting that they have been divorced or married more than once.

How many African American marriages end in divorce?

Marriage outcomes through age 46

Characteristic Full sample Race/ethnicity
Black non-Hispanics
Percent still in first marriage 53.0 47.0
Percent of first marriages ending in divorce 44.2 47.9
Among those who divorced

At what age do most divorces occur?

30 years old

What race has the most single mothers?

Among solo parents, 42% are white and 28% are black, compared with 55% of cohabiting parents who are white and 13% who are black. These gaps are driven largely by racial differences among the large share of solo parents who are mothers. Solo moms are more than twice as likely to be black as cohabiting moms (30% vs.

What race has the lowest marriage rate?

Contemporary Differences At all ages, black Americans display lower marriage rates than do other racial and ethnic groups (see table 1, panel A). Consequently, a far lower proportion of black women have married at least once by age 40.

Who has the highest divorce rate in America?

The divorce rate has dropped in the last decade, but so has the marriage rate.

Arkansas 10.70%
Oklahoma 10.40%
Nevada 10.20%
New Mexico 10.20%

Why do interracial marriages fail?

The racial and cultural differences in your interracial marriage won’t necessarily cause your relationship to fail. What can cause an interracial marriage to fall apart is the inability of a couple to handle their differences and a failure to talk about the stresses one or both of them are experiencing.

Which country has lowest marriage rate?


What percentage of couples stay married for 60 years?

Fewer than 5 percent of all marriages last 50 years. A much smaller number survive 60 years. What are the keys to a long- lasting marriage? Perhaps the best way to gain some insight into the elements that make up a loving and lasting relationship is by relating a short story about my own parents.

What is US divorce rate?

However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.

What country has the highest divorce rate?


What percentage of marriages have affairs?

According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, national surveys indicate that 15 percent of married women and 25 percent of married men have had extramarital affairs. The incidence is about 20 percent higher when emotional and sexual relationships without intercourse are included.

What is the average age to get married in the US?

between 25 and 30 years old

What is the best age to marry?

“The ideal age to get married, with the least likelihood of divorce in the first five years, is 28 to 32,” says Carrie Krawiec, a marriage and family therapist at Birmingham Maple Clinic in Troy, Michigan. “Called the ‘Goldilocks theory,’ the idea is that people at this age are not too old and not too young.”

What age should a man marry?

But when it comes to the best age for men to recite their vows, Cullins says it’s 32. “Waiting until age 32 affords men an opportunity to get settled into a career and potentially pursue professional advancement before tying the knot,” says Cullins.

What is the average age for someone to have a baby?

The average age of first-time mothers is 26, up from 21 in 1972, and for fathers it’s 31, up from 27. Women are having babies later in other developed countries, too: In Switzerland, Japan, Spain, Italy and South Korea, the average age of first birth is 31.