How long do you have to be separated before you can file for divorce in the state of Indiana?

How long do you have to be separated before you can file for divorce in the state of Indiana?

Before you can file for divorce in the state, you or your spouse must have been living in Indiana for six months. You’ll need to file your divorce case in the county in which you have lived for the past three months.

What if husband doesn t sign divorce papers?

You and your divorce attorney will simply have to file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the courts. This can be done without a spouse’s signature. Assuming your spouse does not file a response, a judge will file a default hearing on your uncontested divorce.

Can one spouse refuse divorce?

When a spouse refuses to sign divorce papers, the spouse seeking a divorce will need to obtain what is called a contested divorce. To file a contested divorce, the party who wishes to obtain the divorce must file a petition in the family court in their jurisdiction.

Can a non working wife get alimony?

If you’re the spouse asking for support, the question of whether you qualify for alimony is usually resolved by looking at your own income or ability to earn if you aren’t currently working. This is not necessarily what you are earning at the time you go to court, but it represents your earning potential.

How long can a wife get alimony?

The court will determine how long you or the other party will receive alimony. If you have been married for 20 years or longer, there is no limit to how long you can receive alimony. However, if you were married for less than 20 years, you cannot collect alimony for more than 50% of the length of the marriage.

Is spousal support tax deductible 2020?

For recently divorced Americans, alimony payments are no longer tax-deductible for the payer, and they aren’t considered taxable income for the person receiving them, ending a decades-long practice. The changes affect divorce agreements signed after Dec. 31, 2018. The tax code changes will also affect IRAs.