What is Illinois CCAP?

What is Illinois CCAP?

The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), assists low-income working families with paying for child care services. By accepting CCAP payments you allow more children and families to have access to your services.

How do you get a divorce certificate in Illinois?

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Division of Vital Records does not issue certified copies of dissolution of marriage records. Certified copies are available from the circuit court clerk in the county where the dissolution of marriage was granted.

Where can I get a copy of my divorce papers in Illinois?

How do I file for divorce in Cook County IL?

If you live in the greater Chicago area and will be filing in Cook County, you must file the following forms:Domestic Relations Cover Sheet.Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (4 copies)Summons (4 copies)Affidavit of Service (unless the defendant waives the notice requirement), and.Certificate of Dissolution.