Can I stay on health insurance after divorce?

Can I stay on health insurance after divorce?

Federal law dictates that health insurance coverage ends as soon as you are divorced. However, most insurance plans allow an ex-spouse to get health insurance through COBRA for up to 36 months following a divorce. If your spouse works at an employer with less than 20 employees, a mini-COBRA plan may be available.

How long can you stay on Cobra in CT?

18 months

How long can you stay on Cobra after divorce?

36 months

How do I find out if my spouse has a hidden bank account?

DO look for hidden cash in your closets, crawl space, attic, file cabinets, and anywhere else money could be hidden. A safe deposit box is another popular (and discoverable!) hiding spot for cash. DON’T forget about your spouse’s business accounts.8 de mar. de 2018

How do you hide marital assets?

One way that spouses without businesses may attempt to hide assets is through setting up trusts or “gifting” money to someone who will return it after the divorce is finalized. Spouses that hide assets will often involve family members or friends in the process.15 de out. de 2018

Are bank accounts considered community property?

But the benefit of this money management system is mostly psychological, rather than legal. If you live in a community property state, anything acquired during the marriage — including the income used to fund those separate accounts — is considered “community property” and therefore belongs to both spouses.26 de jun. de 2019

Is my husband entitled to half my savings?

If you opened a savings account during your marriage, it’s technically a joint account. even if it’s in your name alone. Your spouse gets a portion of it. How much may depend on whether you live in a community property state or an equitable distribution state.