Does my wife get half of everything in a divorce?

Does my wife get half of everything in a divorce?

At divorce, community property is generally divided equally between the spouses, while each spouse keeps his or her separate property. Equitable distribution. In all other states, assets and earnings accumulated during marriage are divided equitably (fairly), but not necessarily equally.

Do I have to pay my ex wife’s legal fees?

Attorney’s fees are often expensive, and you may be hoping that your ex will have to pay your legal bills. The answer is: probably not, unless extreme circumstances warrant it. However, there are some situations where the judge will require one spouse to pay the attorneys’ fees of the other.

Do judges award attorney fees?

U.S. courts have significant discretion when it comes to the awarding of attorneys’ fees, and while judges do not generally like departing from the American Rule, they might require a losing side to pay the other’s attorneys’ fees in certain limited situations.

Can I sue my ex wife’s lawyer?

In general, yes you can sue. You may also be required to pay for your ex’s lawyer for filing a frivolous lawsuit. So, you need to be careful before you run to the courthouse with a suit in mind. A lawyer can help decide whether you have a legitimate case or not.

Can I sue my husbands ex wife for emotional distress?

Dear Berti, Yes you can sue her. Defamation would not be the initial or most important basis of your lawsuit though. As part of your lawsuit you can ask the Judge to award you additional money for the mental anguish (emotional distress) the girl’s actions have caused you.

Can you sue your ex husband for emotional distress?

If you are a victim of the intentional or negligent actions of a spouse who causes emotional distress to you, it is possible to get divorced and recover damages. The two kinds of emotional distress lawsuits are intentional infliction and negligent infliction of emotional distress. …