Can fear turn to anger?

Can fear turn to anger?

Emotions are causally interconnected, with one emotion tending to lead to another. If you fear someone, you may become angry that they have made you fearful. Here are some more examples, starting with negative emotions. If you feel confused, you may feel anxious that you don’t know what to do.

Why does fear make me angry?

Fear ultimately breeds anger out of the innate human instinct for self-defense. When someone feels threatened, they may initially fear regarding the possible validity of the issued threat and subsequent harm which could follow. However, in many scenarios, anger may follow or even override fear.

What emotions lead to the dark side?

To tap into the power of the dark side was to indulge in raw emotions such as aggression, fear, anger, hatred, and passion. The Sith were well known practitioners of the dark side, and were the mortal enemies of the Jedi, who served the will of the Force and thus the light side.

Is the dark side really evil?

The Dark Side is not evil. It is merely power, and power is only evil when wielded by evil hands – just as the so-called Light Side has done great evil in the form of the Jedi stranglehold on the galaxy.

Are the Sith actually evil?

Sith Lords are considered evil because they do harmful, abusive, oppressive, and often self-destructive things in the pursuit of power. Darth Vader chokes people in order to variously either torture or kill them, applying this more often to subordinates than to his opponents.

What is better Sith or Jedi?

It was quality (sith) over quantity (jedi). Bot light and dark side members could beat each other with proper training, but generally, Sith were more powerful than most jedis because of being prodigies. Also… the fact that dark side users didn’t have restrictions when using force powers, that was a huge advantage!

Who is the strongest Jedi ever?

Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time

  • Kit Fisto (the one on the right)
  • Plo Koon.
  • Nomi Sunrider.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi. Mark Rain, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.
  • Mace Windu.
  • Revan.
  • Yoda.
  • Luke Skywalker.

Can mandalorians beat Jedi?

Mandalorians have proven to kill many Jedi; The Mandalorian/Jedi war (Revan’s war), The capture of Jango fett (all of the Mandalorians were killed except Jango, but only about 10 Jedi survived and were lead by Dooku), and what people always forget is that Clonetroopers are as much Mandalorian as Jango.

Who was the strongest Sith Lord?

Darth Sidious

Who is the most evil Sith?

1 Darth Sidious Truly, the most powerful Sith of all time has to be Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious/The Emperor.

Why did Vader never kill Palpatine?

His mechanical body parts along with his life support system could be easily destroyed/damaged by Force Lightning, an ability Vader was not able to learn/use because of this disadvantage. Palpatine probably gave him this flaw so that he wouldn’t be overthrown.

Why did Vader kill Padme?

He told Anakin that he did not know how to bring someone back to life, but with him, they could discover this power. Anger comes from the Dark Side, only the Dark Side can restore a life, and it was Anakin, in his anger, that killed Padmé. That anger and his connection to Padmé is what allowed him to save his own life…

Why is Palpatine so evil?

Palpatine is perhaps the most powerful Sith who has ever lived. It’s his immense connection to the dark side which makes him so evil.

Why did Vader kill Sidious?

Vader never tried to fight against Luke, he did not want to kill his son, he was in conflict throughout their fight, so he chose to kill Sidious for his son, he would have survived by repairing his armor but he was finished, he had fulfilled the prophecy and saved his son.

How did Palpatine punish Vader?

Vader gets the better of them and uses the Force to choke the guards and Amedda, but Palpatine in turn Force chokes Vader, lifting him off the ground, and then uses the Force to crush him as Palpatine hurls taunts at him. Vader is left broken, with his mechanical arm and legs destroyed and gone, and his mask damaged.

Did Darth Vader kill Darth Sidious?

Unable to bear the sight of his son in pain, Vader throws the Emperor into the Death Star’s reactor, killing him.

Did Vader want to kill Palpatine?

Serving as Sidious’s apprentice allowed him to be an instrument of destruction. So the main reason Vader never tried to kill Sidious before is because he didn’t want to become Emperor. Power in the Dark Side was his only reason for living until Luke came along.