Can I sue my brother for hitting me?

Can I sue my brother for hitting me?

Because you are a minor, you cannot sue your brother on your own, but you can still go to court and file harassment claims against your brother and try to get court orders that he stay away from you.

Can I file a case against my brother?

Yes, you can file a case against your brother. For Police case, the action will depend upon nature of your complaint. Police will act if your complaint is of cognizable nature and will not if it is non cognizable.

How do you stop your little brother from hitting you?

Any time you feel an urge to respond with harsh words or annoying behavior, remember that being calm and collected is more likely to break your brother out of his annoying behavior than getting angry. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Keep your focus on your breathing pattern to calm down quickly.

Can you sue a relative?

Forgetting for a moment the advisability of suing your own relative, there is no law preventing you from bringing such a suit. However, the opportunity for fraud is so great that the courts allow insurers to limit insurance coverage for such instances whenever a resident of your own household is involved.

Can a family member sue another family member?

It is not unheard of for family members to sue one another due to negligence or to demand payment to cover the cost of medical bills and other related costs. If you are the one who wishes to file a lawsuit, the first point you should consider is whether or not that family member can pay.

Can you sue a family member for emotional distress?

So yes, as a general matter, you can sue for emotional distress in California. In fact, whether you are filing an insurance claim or pursuing a personal injury action in court, your emotional distress damages may account for a significant part of your financial recovery.

Can siblings inherit?

California intestacy laws give half-relatives the same legal rights as full-blooded relatives. This means that half-siblings have the same inheritance rights as full siblings.