Can you add music to the knot wedding website?

Can you add music to the knot wedding website?

The Knot and Spotify teams will add new music to the “Wedding Songs” playlist throughout 2019, curating songs for every type of couple to inspire them at each stage of their wedding journey.

How do you start a sad story?

6 Tips for Writing a Sad Story

  1. Tap into your own emotionality.
  2. Know the difference between sentimentality and truth.
  3. Leave room to be surprised by specific detail.
  4. Pair strong emotions with ordinary ones.
  5. Use backstories to add weight.
  6. Use sad moments to further character development.

What is a good story starter?

The air turned black all around me. Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness. Wandering through the graveyard it felt like something was watching me. The eyes in the painting follow him down the corridor.

What are the 5 types of hooks?

Quotation Hook.

  • The Interesting Question Hook. An interesting question hook is when you ask a question that relates to your essay or paper.
  • The Strong Statement/Declaration Hook.
  • The Fact/ Statistic Hook.
  • The Metaphor / Simile Hook.
  • The Story Hook.
  • The Description Hook.
  • The Quotation Hook.

What is a good story idea?

Top 10 Story Ideas A group of children discover a dead body. A young prodigy becomes orphaned. A middle-aged woman discovers a ghost. A woman who is deeply in love is crushed when her fiancé breaks up with her.

What’s a good sentence starter?

Below is a list of possible sentence starters, transitional and other words that may be useful. This essay discusses … … is explored … … is defined … The definition of … will be given … is briefly outlined … … is explored … In this essay ….. … is explained … … are identified …

What is a good sentence starter for a conclusion?

Conclusion Starter Ideas for Essays and Speeches

  • all things considered.
  • clearly.
  • given these points.
  • I feel we have no choice but to conclude.
  • in conclusion.
  • in drawing to a close.
  • in general.
  • in light of this information.

What are good sentences?

A good sentence is a complete sentence. A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought—also known as an independent clause. For example: “Parents worry about their children.” This sentence is complete, and conveys a clear idea.

Is despite a preposition?

Despite and in spite of are prepositions. Both expressions can be followed by a noun or noun-equivalent. I enjoyed the movie despite having a headache. OR I enjoyed the movie in spite of having a headache.

Can you use 2 adjectives together?

When two adjectives are used together to describe a noun, they are sometimes called “paired adjectives” (they are also sometimes called coordinate & cumulative adjectives). If the paired adjectives come BEFORE the noun, DO NOT USE “and”. Correct: She went to a fabulous French restaurant.

Is it correct to say stuffs?

“Stuffs” as a noun is incorrect. The reason it is different from other collective nouns is because it is also a mass noun. Words like rice, water, smoke, and cement are all mass nouns (or uncountable nouns). You could say “several piles of stuff” to make it plural, but not “several stuffs.”

Is staffs a correct English?

Staff or staffs Answer: The correct word is staff if you are referring to a group of people within an organisation. Words commonly used are employee or staffer. You can also use staffs as a third-person singular verb meaning ‘to work or operate’. She staffs the shop every Monday.

Is foodstuffs a real word?

Word forms: foodstuffs Foodstuffs are substances which people eat. basic foodstuffs such as sugar, cooking oil and cheese.

What word is thing?

1 : an object or entity not precisely designated or capable of being designated use this thing. 2a : an inanimate object distinguished from a living being. b : a separate and distinct individual quality, fact, idea, or usually entity.