Does lupus mess with your brain?

Does lupus mess with your brain?

Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) may affect any organ of the human body. When lupus affects the brain, spinal cord, or nerves, we call this neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE). NPSLE is one of the most difficult problems for people with lupus as it is often serious and also not well understood.

How long do lupus patients live?

There are many people living with lupus 10 to 40 years after diagnosis. Lupus complications like kidney disease can shorten lifespan. Get a list of common lupus symptoms and tests doctors order to diagnose lupus.

Can a person with lupus work?

Many people with lupus are able to continue to work, although they may need to make changes in their work environment. Flexible work hours, job-sharing, and telecommuting may help you to keep working. It may be helpful to begin to make such arrangements soon after you have been diagnosed with lupus.

Do I have to tell my employer I have lupus?

Legally, you are not required to tell your employer about lupus. If you are working and become too sick to continue working, you may be able to take advantage of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

How bad is lupus pain?

Joint pain, swelling and stiffness can be the main symptoms for some people with lupus. In most cases, lupus is unlikely to cause permanent damage or change the shape of joints. But it can sometimes cause serious joint problems. It’s important you tell your doctor or specialist nurse if you have any new joint pain.

How do I apply for disability for lupus?

If you suffer from lupus and your symptoms make working impossible, you can apply for SSDI through the Social Security Administration (SSA). There are several ways to get the application process started. You can start the process online or by calling the toll-free number at 1-

Can people with lupus donate blood?

Since antibodies found in the blood are the primary cause for concern surrounding blood donations from people with lupus, plasma donation is usually discouraged. Red blood cells and platelets from people with lupus are generally considered “safe.”

Does lupus get worse as you get older?

How does lupus affect older adults? Illness that begins at a later age tends to be milder and less frequently complicated by kidney problems. However, the normal problems of aging begin to dominate the conversation regarding appropriate treatment.

Can lupus patients get tattoos?

There are no specific problems associated with tattoos in lupus patients. Clearly you should be aware of the small risk of infection with hepatitis B and C and very occasionally lupus patients may have a reaction to the tattoo dye but this is very rare.

Is there a symbol for lupus?

Lupus, symbolized by the purple butterfly, is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks healthy tissues.

Can a woman with lupus have a baby?

Pregnancy and lupus. Women with lupus can safely get pregnant and most will have normal pregnancies and healthy babies. However, all women with lupus who get pregnant are considered to have a “high risk pregnancy.” This means that problems during pregnancy may be more likely for women with lupus.

Can having lupus cause a miscarriage?

Women with lupus are at higher risk for miscarriage and other complications during pregnancy. This is partly because lupus can cause health problems, such as kidney disease, high blood pressure and antiphospholipid antibodies (like lupus anticoagulants) that may increase the risk of a pregnancy loss.