How can I send and receive text messages online for free?

How can I send and receive text messages online for free?

How to send texts online

  1. Go to
  2. Choose a destination country.
  3. Enter the phone number.
  4. If you wish to receive replies to your text message by email, please enter your email address.
  5. Type your text message.
  6. Send a text or MMS or both.
  7. Wait for reply.
  8. Rinse and repeat.

What is a 6 digit text number?

What is an SMS Short Code? An SMS short code is a 5 or 6 digit phone number that is used by businesses to send and receive text messages at scale. People opt into SMS marketing programs by texting a word or phrase known as a “keyword” to a short code.

Does it cost to text a 5 digit number?

Sending a text message to a standard short code number A short code number is a mobile number that typically consists of 5 digits. Our own service makes use of such a short code, 60777. Sending a text to such a number means you will usually be charged by your operator at their standard network rate, around 10p.

How do I create a shortcode?

In this article, you’ve learned that it only takes three simple steps to create a shortcode:

  1. Write a regular function that executes the desired custom code.
  2. Save the code to your WordPress plugin or theme.
  3. Register the shortcode within WordPress.

Why use a short code?

Short code text messaging is ideal for mass, impersonal, one-way communication. The main advantage of short codes was that you are able to send high volumes of text messages at a low cost. Short codes are effectively used for marketing purposes, as it creates a memorable experience across a broad audience.

Are short codes going away?

A short code is a 5-6 digit phone number used to send and receive text messages. As of 2020, most major wireless carriers in the United States no longer provision new shared short codes. While brands with existing shared short codes can continue to use them, dedicated short codes are now the default standard.

What does a text from 32665 mean?

If you’ve set up Facebook texts, you can send a text (SMS) to 32665 (FBOOK) to get notifications without using mobile data.

Why did I get a text from 32665?

If you don’t know the answer already, why would you think it was an interesting question to ask? 32665 is the SMS short code for Facebook. It’s where you text them or they text you when you have problems accessing your account among other things.