How did the Industrial Revolution change the common meaning of family?

How did the Industrial Revolution change the common meaning of family?

How did the Industrial Revolution change the common meaning of family? It shifted the meaning from extended family to nuclear family. American ideology focuses on the importance of marriage and family values and assumes that the family is at the center of almost everyone’s life.

Why did Karl Marx believe that workers in a capitalist economy experience alienation?

Why did Karl Marx believe that workers in a capitalist economy experience alienation? Karl Marx believes that we feel “freely active” only in our “animal functions of eating, drinking, and procreating” and feel like animals when we engage in activities that should be truly human.

What is the difference between exploitation and alienation?

Alienation is a concept that Marx drew originally from Hegel and the German school of idealist philosophy. It refers to the general distance of humanity from its real potential. Unlike exploitation, which is, at least theoretically, materially measurable in terms of value production, alienation is not quantifiable.

What is the best synonym for alienation?

other words for alienation

  • disaffection.
  • estrangement.
  • indifference.
  • separation.
  • breach.
  • coolness.
  • division.
  • divorce.

Is ignorant an insult?

in context of “ignorant,” its an insult. both ignorant & unaware mean “lacking knowledge/ awareness,” but ignorant is the negative connotation whereas unaware is the positive connotation. The definition of that word simply has to do with lacking knowledge. Ignorant is just lack of knowledge.

What do you call a person who lacks knowledge?

Ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, uneducated mean lacking in knowledge or in training. Uneducated refers especially to lack of schooling or to lack of access to a body of knowledge equivalent to that learned in schools: uneducated but highly intelligent.