How do I destroy my old Amex Platinum card?

How do I destroy my old Amex Platinum card?

Call customer service at 1 (800) 528-4800, whether you are requesting a replacement card or closing the account, and American Express will either send a return envelope or provide an address where you can send the old card. You should not try to destroy an Amex Platinum card on your own.

What do I do with my old American Express Platinum card?

You can contact your card issuer to receive a postage-paid envelope and mail your metal card back for them to destroy, or you could drop into a local branch for the issuing bank and ask them to destroy the card.

How do you destroy an old credit card with a chip?

“We recommend that consumers cut through the EMV chip, then further cut the card a few times along the short side, and dispose of the sections in more than one trash bag,” says Sarah Grano, a spokeswoman for the American Bankers Association. Or feed plastic cards into a paper shredder designed to handle them.

How do you get rid of old credit cards?

Most issuers of metal credit cards dispose of your expired credit cards for you. Just mail the card to the issuer and your job is done. If your card issuer has physical bank branches, such as Chase or Capital One, you can usually hand off your expired credit card to a teller in the branch.

What can you do with old credit cards yourself?

Here, we have put together the most authoritative list of the 20 practical things you can do with your expired credit card.

  1. Ice scraper.
  2. Smartphone stand.
  3. Spatula/grouter.
  4. Notebook.
  5. Shoehorn.
  6. Cheese knife.
  7. Art.
  8. Pottery aid.

Should you cut up old credit cards?

All one needs to do is use a current non-expired date and the card sometimes goes through. So cutting up the card and disposing in different places is the best case security. Simply slicing it in two won’t do, either. You should destroy it completely.

What should I do with old credit card accounts?

Explain to the customer service representative that you want to close your credit card because of the annual fee. In many cases, the representative will offer to waive the annual fee, convert your credit card account to a fee-free credit card, or even offer you bonus reward points in exchange for paying the fee.

How can you tell the difference between platinum and silver?

While at first glance both silver and platinum appear silver in color, the two metals are actually easily discernible to the naked eye. Both have gray undertones, unlike white gold which has a warmer, yellow undertone, but platinum is much brighter and shinier and silver has a duller, gray appearance.