How do you address a counterclaim?

How do you address a counterclaim?

The counterclaim is generally the last thing you address in your argument, before the conclusion in a written paper. When you address it, be sure to include the author and source of the opposing viewpoint. Summarizing an opposing view without citing it is just as bad as using a non-credible source.

How do you write a counter argument paragraph?

In your paragraph:

  1. Identify the opposing argument.
  2. Respond to it by discussing the reasons the argument is incomplete, weak, unsound, or illogical.
  3. Provide examples or evidence to show why the opposing argument is unsound, or provide explanations of how the opposing argument is incomplete or illogical.

What is the example of descriptive?

Descriptive is defined as giving details or something that describes. An example of descriptive is someone giving a very detailed account of an experience they had; a descriptive person. Concerned with classification or description.

What are the two types of descriptive essays?

Types of Descriptive Detail

  • Sensory Detail.
  • Characterization.
  • Observational Writing.
  • “Showing” versus “Telling”
  • Simile.

What is an example of description?

The definition of a description is a statement that gives details about someone or something. An example of description is a story about the places visited on a family trip. The act, process, or technique of describing. The type description of the fungus was written by a botanist.

What are two types of description?

Two Types of Description: Objective and Impressionistic “Objective description attempts to report accurately the appearance of the object as a thing in itself, independent of the observer’s perception of it or feelings about it.

How do you write a short description?

Effective short descriptions provide enough context for a reader to understand what the topic conveys. A short description ought to contain keywords that help the reader identify whether the topic contains useful information. It should also be a concise description of the topic.

How do you write an amazing description?

Here are a few tips to hone your writing skills and get the descriptive language just right:

  1. Cut out obvious descriptions.
  2. Use surprising words.
  3. Remember sensory details.
  4. Make use of figurative language.
  5. Think about who is doing the describing.
  6. Be wary of over-description.
  7. Read good examples of descriptive writing.