How do you use notwithstanding?

How do you use notwithstanding?


  1. preposition. in spite of; without being opposed or prevented by: Notwithstanding a brilliant defense, he was found guilty.
  2. conjunction. in spite of the fact that; although: It was the same material, notwithstanding the texture seemed different.
  3. adverb. nevertheless; anyway; yet: We were invited notwithstanding.

What is difference between despite and in spite of?

The only difference between in spite of and despite is the ‘of’. Despite the pain in his leg he completed the marathon. It seems to me “in spite of” is a slightly more elaborate form, to be used in more fancy, most formal writing. “Despite” is not informal but not quite that elaborate.

When can you use nevertheless?

(sentence adverb), (formal) You use nevertheless to add surprising information or something in contrast to what was already said or written. Morgan stopped working as a doctor in 1973. Nevertheless, he remained active in medical research until his death. We are seriously over budget.

Do you put comma after nevertheless?

Use a comma after certain adverbs: however, in fact, therefore, nevertheless, moreover, furthermore, still, instead, too (meaning ‘also’). Example: Therefore, he didn’t say a word. If these adverbs appear in the middle of a sentence, they are enclosed in commas.

How do you explain nevertheless?

A funny-looking adverb that appears to be made up of three words squished together, nevertheless means “even so” or “all the same.”

Is rather than a transition word?

Examples of Transitions: On the contrary, contrarily, notwithstanding, but, however, nevertheless, in spite of, in contrast, yet, on one hand, on the other hand, rather, or, nor, conversely, at the same time, while this may be true.

What type of word is still?


What means still life?

A still life (plural: still lifes) is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural (food, flowers, dead animals, plants, rocks, shells, etc.) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, etc.).

What is the purpose of still life?

The goal of a still life composition is to direct the viewer’s eye through a painting and lead them toward what the artist thinks is important.

Why is it called a still life?

A still life (also known by its French title, nature morte) painting is a piece that features an arrangement of inanimate objects as its subject. The term “still life” is derived from the Dutch word stilleven, which gained prominence during the 16th century.

Who is the most famous still life artist?

The Most Famous Still-life Artists

  • “Basket of Fruit” by Caravaggio.
  • “Water Lilies” Series by Claude Monet.
  • “The Basket of Apples” by Paul Cézanne.
  • “Living Still Life” by Salvador Dali.
  • “32 Campbell’s Soup Cans” by Andy Warhol.

Who invented still life?

Jacopo de’Barbari

Who painted still life with bowl of fruit?

Paul Cézanne

What does still life mean in photography?

Still life photography is a genre of photography used for the depiction of inanimate subject matter, typically a small group of objects. Similar to still life painting, it is the application of photography to the still life artistic style.

What are the 2 types of still life photography?

There are two types of still life photography: found still life and created still life. Found still life photographs are images of objects that haven’t been moved in any way by the photographer.

How do you shoot a still life?

Photography tips for still life shots

  1. Develop a creative concept. Having a strong concept is key to creating a stand-out image.
  2. Plan your image. Once you’ve developed a concept for your shoot, don’t just rush into it.
  3. Lead your viewer’s eye in the image.
  4. Get creative with your lighting.

What makes a good still life?

If you want to create a traditional still life, make sure you have a neutral wall or other visually pleasing background behind your subject. A traditional still life composition could be something as simple as a few items of fruit placed together in a bowl, like this simple still life of three pears on a plate.

Does a still life have to be realistic?

A still life can be realistic or abstract, depending on the particular time and culture in which it was created, and on the particular style of the artist. The still life is a popular genre because the artist has total control over the subject of the painting, the lighting, and the context.