How many Pupillages can you apply for?

How many Pupillages can you apply for?

The majority of chambers accept applications through the Pupillage Gateway. Applicants may submit up to 20 applications through the Pupillage Gateway. All chambers advertise on the gateway website, but some require you to apply directly to them with your CV and a cover letter.

What is a Pupillage law?

Pupillage is a 12-month training period for those aiming to qualify as barristers, usually spent in a barristers’ chambers (aka ‘set’). It is divided into two distinct six-month periods. During the ‘first six’ you will shadow the cases of an experienced barrister; in the ‘second six’ you may take on work of your own.

How many mini-Pupillages should I do?

How many mini-pupillages should you do? Don’t think that you can impress recruiters by taking a large number of mini-pupillages for the sake of it. Three or four is a good number; more than six may start to look pointless. However, one exception to this is with assessed mini-pupillages.

Is it hard to get a mini Pupillage?

They are a short version of a pupillage which can run from anything between one day to two weeks. However, like pupillages, they are hard to obtain. You can find out if a chambers offers mini-pupillages by simply accessing their website.

How do you get a mini Pupillage?

To apply for mini-pupillages, you will normally need to send a copy of your latest CV and a covering letter addressed specifically to the chamber you’re applying to. Some chambers may have online applications you will need to submit instead, but all the details should be available at the respective chambers’ websites.

What do you wear with mini Pupillage?

Men wear ties. Women sometimes wear a black dress and jacket. A smart dark coloured trouser suit is also fine for women. During your mini pupillage you will be treated as if you were a chambers pupil in their first 6 months of training and you will be representing chambers.