Is ADC the hardest role?

Is ADC the hardest role?

Your one and pretty much only heuristic is: “Attack the closest target, at max range.” Pretty much every other role is juggling a ton of different decisions at any point in time, ADC simply doesn’t. Though, most people advocate that ADC is the hardest role because it requires mechanics.

What does BOT mean in lol?

the bottom lane

Is ADC a bot?

Support and adc are usually bot to have a better drake control than your toplaner would have.

Is ADC always bot?

Riot likes to talk about the champions as “Marksmen,” but the role itself is often referred to as “AD Carry” or, more classically “ADC.” However, in the actual champion select, the role is just called “bot.” What the actual hell is this role called?

Is ADC a bad role?

They are the play makers. That more than makes up for their low income. Adc is one of the worst roles when it comes to playmaking. This is why adcs like Ashe or Sivir are popular solo queue recommendations, because they can actually initiate a play.

Why is bot lane so bad?

So why is that so bad? Well, from what we can tell, it’s because bot lane players are used to playing a certain style. They want to be able to farm, outplay opponents of similar power levels, and, you know, carry.

How much CS should you have at 10 minutes?

With full runes and masteries, you should try to achieve 95% cs in a single player custom game. This means that at 10 minutes you should have around 100 cs (I am a scrub but I can hit that.

How can I be a good ADC?

General ADC tips Play safe and only go aggressive on engagements you’re sure you can win. Remember, you’re very weak and an easy kill for most bruiser champions. Practise important mechanics such as attack-moving and damage trading to get small edges over your opponents.

What is the best ADC in League of Legends?

ADC Tier List: Optimal (S-tier) = Vayne, Seraphine, Swain, Jhin, Miss Fortune, Jinx, Tristana, Sivir. Great (A-tier) = Ezreal, Draven, Lucian, Samira, Kai’Sa, Heimerdinger, Senna, Varus, Twitch, Caitlyn, Ashe.

Is ADC hard?

You can obviously still carry as an ADC if you have a reliable support and you know what you’re doing, but if you solo queue without a duo just give up. 🙂 Agreed, it’s really hard to carry as ADC right now. By the time you’re strong enough to actually influence the game it’s usually been decided one way or the other.

What is a good ADC?

Being a good adc is knowing WHEN you can dps. Each adc has a different way of doing this. For example, with ezreal you can stay at long range and kite with your Q and autos, ensuring the enemies never get close, with lucian you can dash around and burst anyone down, as long as there is no cc to hinder you, etc.

Is ezreal a good ADC?

YES! he is the safest AD in the game and one of the easiest to understand at a basic level. He’s been a main of mine since season 2.

Why is JHIN so good?

Jhin isn’t your regular carry, he doesn’t scale as hard, but he has ways to set up his team. He does well with cc supports and proactive junglers, his ult and w can catch / start fights. His traps give him some control, although he mostly starts fights out as an immobile carry till he gets his speedboosts.

Can JHIN kill tanks?

Overall first pick jhin vs 3 tanks is very difficult to overcome. But you have the early and mid game in your favor before these tanks scale. Make sure you don’t waste an early slot on lethality vs tanks, you’ll never get to a point where you can kill them properly if you do.

Can JHIN get attack speed?

Jhin’s attack speed cannot be improved at all except through growth.

Is JHIN easy?

Yes, he is quite easy. I am not very good with marksman but I manage to do well with him. No he is not easy to pick up. CSing is strange at first, and the reload mechanic takes time to get used to.