Is gregariousness a word?

Is gregariousness a word?

gre·gar·i·ous. adj. 1. Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.

What means sociable?

1 : inclined by nature to companionship with others of the same species : social. 2a : inclined to seek or enjoy companionship. b : marked by or conducive to friendliness or pleasant social relations. sociable.

What is a tactful person?

(tæktfəl ) adjective. If you describe a person or what they say as tactful you approve of them because they are careful not to offend or upset another person.

How do you talk tactfully?

Use the strategies below to communicate with tact:

  1. Create the Right Environment and Think Before You Speak.
  2. Determine the Appropriate Time.
  3. Choose Your Words Carefully.
  4. Watch Your Body Language.
  5. Never React Emotionally.
  6. Letting Team Members Go.
  7. Giving Feedback.
  8. Declining an Invitation.

What does it mean when someone says you have no tact?

It means that this person does not know how to behave or act according to certain situations. For example it would not be nice if a person would be talking negatively about old people in front of a grandmother. This person would lack tact in this situation.

How do I stop being tactless?

Useful Tips for Tactless People

  1. Think before you speak.
  2. Find your inner filter, and don’t let anything get through it that isn’t positive or at least constructive.
  3. Praise in public, reprimand/criticize in private.
  4. When you have to criticize, keep it private and on a “need to know” basis.
  5. Be kind, and stay classy.

Is it OK to be blunt?

Being honest is good, but if you’re blunt many people will be put off from listening to what may otherwise be good advice. A self-proclaimed blunt person may just need to learn to be tactful. Also, people often are rude and excuse it with “I’m just blunt.” So don’t be like that. People are often either kind or honest.

Is being direct good or bad?

Being direct doesn’t necessarily mean being blunt, rude, an tactless. You can be direct and remain respectful. To me, being direct is a form of respect, and I also find it respectable. And I think it’s a sign of respect because being indirect or telling half-truths are just a form of lying.

What is the opposite of a blunt person?

blunt(a) Antonyms: sharp, keen, pointed, acute, aculeated, sensitive, polished, bland, eloquent, courteous, reserved. Synonyms: dull, obtuse, pointless, edgeless, insensitive, bluff, coarse, impolite, plain-mannered, uncivil, rude.

Is Suit yourself rude?

“Suit yourself” is almost never rude or downright impolite, but depending on tone may come across as snippy, judgemental, or negative.