Is it bad to bite the skin off your lips?

Is it bad to bite the skin off your lips?

Biting your lip from time to time isn't a problem. However, in some cases, people are unable to control the habit, and it becomes what's known as a body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB).

What happens if you bite your lips?

Some people may not have any side effects from compulsive lip biting, but it will cause certain complications for others, including: painful sores on the lips. inflammation or swollen lips. lip redness.

Why do I keep biting the inside of my lip?

Many people do bite or chew on the insides of the lower lip or cheek, perhaps out of boredom or nerves. This habit is often initially prompted by a misdirection of the teeth that causes the person to mistakenly bite into the lower lip while chewing.