Is law a good degree?

Is law a good degree?

A law degree is a great qualification to obtain employment – law graduates have the 6th highest employment rate – and bear in mind up to 60% of all law graduates chose to use their law degree to gain jobs other than in the legal profession.

Which university is good for law?

Top universities in the UK for law degrees 2021

UK Law Rank 2021 WUR Law Rank 2021 University
1 2 University of Cambridge
2 3 University of Oxford
3 8 UCL
4 10 London School of Economics and Political Science

Can a average student crack CLAT?

CLAT is a national test, so it is a pretty serious examination in terms of both competition and toughness. But still it can be easily cracked by anyone with proper preparation and dedication. You can either prepare for it by yourself or join some coaching institute if you feel you need some extra guidance.

Is CLAT difficult than NEET?

If we are talking about getting a seat for the respective courses, then I’d say that neet would be comparatively harder then CLAT. Firstly neet ug is the only exam by which you can pursue MBBS /BDS. While alongside CLAT there are separate exams conducted by many colleges.

Can I prepare for CLAT in 1 month?

Ideally, there is no one month crack that can be applied in CLAT. But, since it is a test of critical reading and analytical skills and there is less focus on prior knowledge, one can clear the exam with one month of preparation. The only condition is that the candidate should be good at reading and critical thinking.

What is a good CLAT score?


Who is the topper of CLAT 2019?

Saumya Singh

How can I become CLAT topper?

CLAT 2020 New Exam Pattern. CLAT 2020 New Syllabus (Detailed) CLAT 2020 Official Sample Papers and Previous Years Papers….

  1. Spend time on preparing for GK section to cover past years events.
  2. Give mock tests to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Make a strategy to manage time, improve speed and accuracy for all sections.

Can CLAT be cracked without coaching?

Preparing for CLAT 2021 without coaching is not at all difficult if the strategies and moves taken by the candidates are right. In a nutshell, with an apt plan, right study resources, hard work and time management an aspirant can ace the CLAT 2021 even without coaching.

What was the cutoff of CLAT 2020?

CLAT UG Expected Cut Off 2020

College Name Opening Cut-off
Score Rank
National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore 119.5 58
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad 114 130
National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal 107 355