Is there an ending to fallout shelter?

Is there an ending to fallout shelter?

There is no end. Don’t waste your time unless you literally have nothing else to do except play this game. Once you have a power/food/water + wasteland explorer + training rooms, you’re at end game.

How do you make your dwellers have babies faster?

3 Answers. Mating: Bring a male and a female Dweller together into the living quarters. In larger living quarters you can bring in more Dwellers and let them work it out. The higher the Charisma the faster they will mate.

How long should I send my dwellers out?

Your dweller will take half as long to return to the vault as they did to explore; if you send them out for ten hours, for example, they’ll take an additional five hours to return. On their return journey, they won’t be attacked, irradiated, or injured.

How long can a dweller survive in the wasteland?

Once they’re level 50 and equipped with a good legendary weapon (20+ damage) they have a decent chance of surviving 100 hours in the wasteland without dying.

What is the fastest way to get caps in fallout shelter?

There are a few ways to get more caps in Fallout Shelter:

  1. Levelling up your Dwellers grants you bottle caps equal to their new level.
  2. Completing objectives grants either bottle caps or Lunchboxes, which will frequently hold plenty of caps themselves.
  3. Successfully rushing a room grants a significant amount of caps.

What happens when a dweller levels up?

It keeps them alive longer! With each level up they gain HP based on their endurance. That means a lvl 50 dweller gaining endurance will not get additional HP. TL;DR: If you want to max HP for dwellers, train a dweller to Endurance 10 at level 1 before they level, give them endurance buff gear, then level them to 50.

How did the vault dweller die?

The super mutants had attacked the city shortly after they left. A single ghoul survivor revealed that they were looking for the Vault Dweller, right before he died. In the old Vault, walking among the misshapen ones, they confronted the most terrifying sight yet: The Master. They killed him in open combat.

How do you revive a dweller in fallout shelter?

You can only revive a dweller that died on a quest after you have chosen to end the quest and send your team of dwellers back to the vault.