What are Massachusetts State colors?

What are Massachusetts State colors?


State Color 3 Name(s)
Massachusetts Blue, Green and Cranberry
Nevada none Silver and Blue
New Jersey none Buff and Blue
New Mexico none Red and Yellow

What is the Massachusetts state symbol?

State symbols

Type Symbol Law
Flower Mayflower M.G.L. Ch. 2, §7
Tree American elm M.G.L. Ch. 2, §8
Bird Chickadee M.G.L. Ch. 2, §9
Beverage Cranberry juice M.G.L. Ch. 2, §10

What does the Massachusetts flag say?

State flag A white star with five points appears next to the figure’s head, signifying Massachusetts as a U.S. state. A blue ribbon surrounds the shield, bearing the state motto Ense Petit Placidam, Sub Libertate Quietem (“By the Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty”).

What is Massachusetts state bug?

Did you know that the ladybug was adopted as the official state bug or insect symbol of Massachusetts thanks to a campaign that began in 1974 by a second-grade class in the town of Franklin?

How does a bill become a law in Massachusetts?

A vote to enact by both legislative branches results in passage of the bill, with the newly-created Act sent to the governor. The governor has the authority to: sign the bill into law; allow the unsigned bill to become law; veto the legislation; or send the bill back to the Legislature with recommended amendments.

What year was the Massachusetts Constitution written?


How does an idea become a law?

After both the House and Senate have approved a bill in identical form, the bill is sent to the President. If the President approves of the legislation, it is signed and becomes law. If the President takes no action for ten days while Congress is in session, the bill automatically becomes law.

How do you get state legislation passed?

Most bills require a majority vote (it must pass by 21 votes in the Senate and 41 votes in the Assembly), while urgency measures and appropriation bills require a two-thirds vote (27 in the Senate, 54 in the Assembly).