What are some antonyms for convey?

What are some antonyms for convey?

antonyms of convey

  • receive.
  • take.
  • deny.
  • discourage.
  • dissuade.
  • free.
  • hold.
  • keep.

What is the opposite of convey?

retain, keep secret, drop, catch, come down, cover, shake off, cling to, suppress, lose, give up, keep, deny, fall under, preserve, take, discourage, expropriate, refrain, hold, neglect, refuse, dissuade, possess, receive, throw down, leave, release, maintain, conceal, let go, hide, stop, free, contract, withhold.

Which word is the best synonym for convey?

Synonyms & Antonyms of convey

  • communicate,
  • conduct,
  • give,
  • impart,
  • spread,
  • transfer,
  • transfuse,
  • transmit.

When you say 2 words that mean the same thing?

If two words are synonymous, they mean the same thing.

Which two words mean the same as difficult?


  • arduous,
  • Augean,
  • backbreaking,
  • challenging,
  • demanding,
  • effortful,
  • exacting,
  • formidable,

What is difficult in grammar?

Grammar rules are definitely tricky! One of the biggest reasons that learning and using grammar correctly is so difficult is that there are so many exceptions to every rule. enough, it will be almost impossible to be able to learn and master all these different exceptions.

What are the difficult words?

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out.
  • Ironic.
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless)
  • Whom.
  • Colonel.
  • Nonplussed.
  • Disinterested.
  • Enormity.

What is a synonym for most difficult?

other words for more difficult arduous. crucial. demanding. onerous. problematic.

What is the meaning of Gruelling?

: trying or taxing to the point of exhaustion : punishing a grueling race.

How do you use onerous?

Onerous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Taking care of the puppy is an onerous task.
  2. When Jack agreed to help his father cut the grass, he did not realize the chore would be so onerous.
  3. The flight attendant was not prepared to deal with the onerous passenger.
  4. While the assignment seems simple, in reality, it is quite onerous.

What is an ornery person?

It means grouchy, grumpy, cranky or crotchety (another cringe-worthy word). They’re the type of people who actively work to make you dislike them, as if they’re incapable of being pleasant around others. In other words, ornery is not a word you use to describe someone you like.

Is it ornery or Onery?

As adjectives the difference between ornery and onery is that ornery is (appalachian) cantankerous, stubborn, disagreeable while onery is (us|particularly|southern us).

Is Onery a word?

onery adj. (US, particularly Southern US) Eye dialect spelling of ornery.