What bank is Milestone credit card?

What bank is Milestone credit card?

The Bank of Missouri

Can I get credit card for 18000 salary?

1 lakh. Joining bonus: Cashback of Rs. 100 on the 1st ATM cash withdrawal within 30 days of receiving the card….Eligibility to apply for the SimplySAVE SBI Card:

Age 21 to 60 years
Income (salaried people) Above Rs.18,000 per month

What is credit card eligibility?

To apply for a credit card, you must fall into the age limit set by the bank. The applicant should be minimum of 18 years old. Anyone falling under this age limit can apply for a credit card. Add-on credit cardholder should be 18 years and above.

Can I apply for credit card without job?

In order to be eligible for a credit card, you must have a steady source of income. Many banks require proof of employment before giving out a credit card, but it is possible to get a credit card without having a job.

Why can’t I get approved for a credit card?

If you don’t have a substantial source of income — or none at all — you may struggle to be approved for a credit card. Having poor payment history is an indicator that you may not be able to repay the credit lenders extend. Lenders may not look favorably upon applicants who are carrying debt.

What if I have no credit history?

You may not have a credit score, but if you have a checking account with a bank, that could help you get approved for a card. At the very least, you could qualify for a secured credit card. Once you’ve established a good track record with that card, you should be able to get an ordinary, unsecured credit card.

What is the credit score for someone with no credit history?

No one actually has a credit score of zero, even if they have a troubled history with credit. The FICO scoring model, for instance, ranges between 300 and 850. It’s rare for anyone to have a score below 470.