What can you infer about the word amiable?

What can you infer about the word amiable?

The definition of amiable is a person, place, or thing that is likeable or a person who is kind and good-natured. An example of something amiable is warm and sunny weather. A person at work who is always pleasant and helpful is an example of someone amiable.

What means sulk?

: to be angry or irritable about something but childishly refuse to talk about it. sulk. noun. Kids Definition of sulk (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : the state of a person who is sullenly silent or irritable He has a case of the sulks.

How do you use brood?

  1. It is time for hens to brood.
  2. It’s no need to brood over inflation.
  3. The blackbird flew back and forth to its brood.
  4. Don’t brood too much and just let it be.
  5. Extrovert prefer lively conversation to brood on the meaning of life.
  6. There’s Mrs.
  7. The hen brought off a brood of young.

How many is a brood?

About Broods Size: While the term brood is generally only applied to multiple chicks, bird broods can range from one to 15 or more eggs or chicks depending on the species.

Does brood mean family?

noun. a number of young produced or hatched at one time; a family of offspring or young. a breed, species, group, or kind: The museum exhibited a brood of monumental sculptures.

What does brood mean in beekeeping?

In beekeeping, bee brood or brood refers to the eggs, larvae and pupae of honeybees. The brood of Western honey bees develops within a bee hive. In man-made, removable frame hives, such as Langstroth hives, each frame which is mainly occupied by brood is called a brood frame.

How do you know if a beehive is Queenless?

Bees who are queenless are often cranky and listless. They may make a high pitched whine when you open the hive. The population will also start to fall. First you will see less nurse bees, but eventually foragers will decrease in number as well.

What does a good brood pattern look like?

But the brood cells should not be random or scattered; cappings should be uniformly brown or tan and not sunken. Too many holes in the pattern may indicate an old or failing queen, or they may indicate disease, or they may indicate a colony not large enough to care for all the brood.

Can you take royal jelly everyday?

Royal Jelly can be taken once daily, preferably in the morning after getting up, although it is better if you can do this twice a day, in the morning and afternoon. It is not recommended intake of royal jelly in the evening because it raises the energy in the body and can cause insomnia.

Should I take royal jelly on an empty stomach?

Which is the recommended dose of fresh royal jelly? A recommended dose ranges from 1 to 5 g per day, taken in the course of 30-90 days, followed by 10-30 days break. Royal jelly should be taken on an empty stomach, with at least a quarter of an hour before eating.

Is Royal Jelly good for hair?

Honey is great for your hair and skin! Royal Jelly is a protein and amino acid-rich substance that can nourish the scalp and hair. If you have a sensitive scalp that suffers from being dry and irritated, this product is screaming your name. Royal jelly plus honey is the perfect recipe for luxurious locks.