What do allotment mean?

What do allotment mean?

1 : the act of allotting something : apportionment The allotment of a full page in the newspaper to each candidate is fair. 2 : something that is allotted an allotment of time especially, chiefly British : a plot of land let to an individual for cultivation

What does allotment mean in accounting?

An allotment is a methodical distribution of a resource to multiple entities. For example, when a corporation is selling shares and there are too many orders for the shares, the shares made available for sale are distributed to investors on an allotment basis

What is another word for neat?

SYNONYMS FOR neat 1 spruce, smart. 4 well-planned. 6 adroit. 7 unmixed, pure.

What is the opposite of neatly?

What is the opposite of neatly?

awkwardly clumsily
unsatisfactorily badly
poorly unbearably
intolerably deficiently
disastrously awfully

Does neat mean cool?

The definition of neat is something considered cool or awesome. An example of something neat is a well-planned and well-executed project.

What is the opposite of polite?

Polite means showing regards for others in manners, speech, and behavior. The opposite of polite is rude.

What is opposite of seen?

Opposite of able to be seen. invisible.

Is heck a swear word?

Yes, it is a swear word. “Heck” is a slightly modified “Hell”. In some religious circles, it is considered inappropriate to say the word “Hell”. Some people think or feel that if they just modify one or two letters in a word that it will somehow make using the word more acceptable.

What does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mean in Spanish?

It ends in..alidocious. And it does not mean fantabulous. Main Entry: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Part of Speech: adj. Definition: a nonsense word meaning fantastic; also called supercalifragilistic.

What is the hardest Spanish word?

What is the hardest word to say in Spanish? In our opinion, of this entire list of difficult Spanish words, the hardest word to say is “Espantapájaros”. This is because or the multiple repeated consonants with different accentuation. It’s a real tongue-twister!