What does irrefutable mean in English?

What does irrefutable mean in English?

impossible to refute

What does Numerous mean?

: consisting of great numbers of units or individuals born into a numerous family also : many received numerous complaints The people I’d like to thank are too numerous to mention.

What is impaired life?

: a person whose physical condition according to insurance ratings is below that required for life insurance at standard rates.

What is impaired person?

Impaired person means a person who, because of a hearing or speech impairment, cannot readily understand or communicate in spoken language; and includes persons who are deaf, deaf and blind, speech impaired, or hard of hearing.

What is an example of an impairment?

Impairment in a person’s body structure or function, or mental functioning; examples of impairments include loss of a limb, loss of vision or memory loss. Activity limitation, such as difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, or problem solving.

What are the causes of impairment?

  • Poverty and malnutrition. Poverty is one of the biggest causes of disability.
  • War. In today’s wars, more civilians than soldiers are killed or disabled, and most of them are women and children.
  • Nuclear accidents.
  • Poor access to health care.
  • Illness.
  • Medicines and injections.
  • Dangerous work conditions.
  • Accidents.

What counts as visually impaired?

Visual impairment, also known as vision impairment or vision loss, is a decreased ability to see to a degree that causes problems not fixable by usual means, such as glasses. Visual impairment is often defined as a best corrected visual acuity of worse than either 20/40 or 20/60.

Is mute a politically correct term?

This term is generally agreed to be offensive toward a person or group of people. We strongly recommend you do not use this term and instead use a term not usually thought to be offensive.

What is the politically correct term for disabled?

It is okay to use words or phrases such as “disabled,” “disability,” or “people with disabilities” when talking about disability issues. Ask the people you are with which term they prefer if they have a disability.

What can I say instead of disability?

In referring to people with disabilities, it is preferable to use language that focuses on their abilities rather than their disabilities. Therefore, the use of the terms “handicapped,” “able-bodied,” “physically challenged,” and “differently abled” is discouraged.

What is the definition of politically correct?

: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.

How do you refer to someone with a disability?

A person isn’t a disability, condition or diagnosis; a person has a disability, condition or diagnosis. This is called Person-First Language….3. In general, refer to the person first and the disability second.

Use Don’t Use
Person with a disability, people with disabilities Disabled person; the disabled

Is mentally challenged mean?

Filters. (politically correct) Having a low intelligence; having some mental illness. adjective.

What is the new term for mental retardation?

intellectual disability