What does keep him at bay mean?

What does keep him at bay mean?

: in the position of being unable to move closer while attacking or trying to approach someone —used with keep or hold The soldiers kept the attackers at bay.

What does it mean to keep your feelings at bay?

(also hold something at bay) to control something and prevent it from causing you problems: She fought to keep her unhappiness at bay.

How do you keep your emotions at bay?

2. Deep breathing & relaxation techniques

  1. This will help with emotions like anxiety, worry, frustration and anger.
  2. Take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly until you calm down. Slowly count to 10.
  3. You can take a walk to cool down, and listen to some relaxing music.
  4. Talk to someone who can help you calm down.

Are kept at bay?

keep (someone or something) at bay To keep someone or something at a distance or from reaching full potency, especially in order to prevent harm to oneself.

What does the idiom have a brush mean?

Have an encounter or come in conflict with, as in This was not the first time that Bob had a brush with the law. This expression alludes to the noun brush in the sense of “a hostile collision,” a usage dating from about 1400.

What is the meaning of gibberish?

Gibberish, also called jibber-jabber or gobbledygook, is speech that is (or appears to be) nonsense. It may include speech sounds that are not actual words, or language games and specialized jargon that seems nonsensical to outsiders.

What does wandering mean?

1 : a going about from place to place —often used in plural. 2 : movement away from the proper, normal, or usual course or place —often used in plural. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about wandering.

How do you use bay in a sentence?

Bay sentence example

  1. They kept their emotions at bay for the most part.
  2. Staring out the bay window at the old house, she abandoned her coffee cup on the window sill.
  3. A large bay window sported a roomy window seat.
  4. Bordeaux urged the bay after them.
  5. Better yet, keep an eye out in the bay for another body.

How do you spell at bay?

Correct spelling for the English word “at bay” is [at bˈe͡ɪ], [at bˈe‍ɪ], [a_t b_ˈeɪ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does an animal at bay mean?

when an animal that is being hunted is at bay, it must turn and face the dogs and hunters because it is impossible to escape from them. See also: bay.

What’s another word for embrace?

Embrace Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for embrace?

hug clasp
hold cuddle
nuzzle canoodle
caress snuggle
cling to fondle

What is chronology short answer?

The definition of chronology refers to the way events unfolded or were arranged in time. Chronology is the science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time. Consider, for example, the use of a timeline or sequence of events.

What is the correct chronology?

Chronological order is the order in which the events occurred, from first to last.

What does chronicle mean?

1 : a historical account of events arranged in order of time usually without analysis or interpretation a chronicle of the Civil War. 2 : narrative sense 1 a chronicle of the struggle against drug traffickers. chronicle. verb. chronicled; chronicling\ ˈkrä-​ni-​k(ə-​)liŋ \

What is a synonym for chronology?

Synonyms. written record timeline written account. Antonyms. preceding anterograde synchronization asynchronism.

What is the opposite of chronology?

“Temporal” simply pertains to time (even though the typical mode of temporality could be said to be chronological), and “atemporal” would mean “without time” or “unrelated to time”. non-chronological or nonlinear works far better.

What is another word for chronological order?

What is another word for chronological?

consecutive historical
ordered progressive
sequential in sequence
chronographic chronologic
chronometric chronometrical

What is the word for long-lasting?

other words for long-lasting MOST RELEVANT. abiding. durable. resilient.

How do you say long-lasting?

Additional synonyms

  1. enduring,
  2. lasting,
  3. continuing,
  4. remaining,
  5. permanent,
  6. constant,
  7. prevailing,
  8. persistent,