What does nerve wracking mean?

What does nerve wracking mean?

When something is making you feel very nervous, you can say it’s nerve-wracking, even though nerve-racking might be the more appropriate choice. The verbs wrack and rack have different meanings, but they both carry ideas of destruction that seem to fit the meaning of the phrase.

What does it mean to rack your brain?

Meaning: To think very hard to find an answer. If you rack your brains, you strain mentally to recall or to understand something. The rack was a mediaeval torture device where the victim was tied to the rack by his arms and legs, which were then practically torn from their bodies.

Is it rack your brain or crack your brain?

The written form “wrack one’s brains” is, therefore, incorrect. In my view, “to go from rack to ruin” is also incorrect, but the Free Dictionary offers entries from both the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs and the Cambridge Idioms Dictionary which seem to find either spelling acceptable.

What is wrack and ruin?

rack and ruin, go to Also, go to wrack and ruin. Become decayed, decline or fall apart, as in After the founder’s death the business went to rack and ruin. These expressions are emphatic redundancies, since rack and wrack (which are actually variants of the same word) mean “destruction” or “ruin.” [

What does racked with pain mean?

Suffering from an overwhelming amount of pain, especially to the degree that one’s body is contorted or seized up. His whole body was racked with pain after the accident. The patient is racked with pain, but she refuses to take any painkillers.

What does it mean to rack yourself?

verb – ambitransitive to hit or be hit in the testicles. I got racked hard in the basketball game last night.

What does racking mean?

Racking, often referred to as Soutirage or Soutirage traditionnel (meaning racking in French), also filtering or fining, is the process of moving wine or beer from one container to another using gravity rather than a pump, which can be disruptive to the beverage.

What does racked mean slang?

Vulgar Slang A woman’s breasts.

Why is 1000 dollars called a rack?

Since not very many people have multiple 100 bills in stacks of $10,000 to sing about, a Rack usually refers to only $1,000. Originally, a Rack was a stack of $100 bills that total $10,000,but due to the frequency of the use of Rack in songs like ‘Racks on Racks’ and *’Rack City’, most people refer to $1,000 as a Rack.

What drug is rack slang for?

‘Rack’ meaning Cocaine, can be used in the verb form of racking up.

How much money is considered a rack?

“A rack” is $1,000 in the form of ten $100 bills, banded by a bank or otherwise. $1000 notes are occasionally referred to as “large” (“twenty large” being $20,000, etc.). In slang, a thousand dollars may also be referred to as a “grand” or “G”, “K” (as in kilo), or a “stack”, a “bozo”, as well as a “band” .

What does 3 stacks mean?

keep your heart 3 stacks

How much money is a stack?

A “stack” is slang for $1,000.

What is a rack on a girl?

“Rack” is vulgar slang, and a disrespectful way to refer to a woman’s breasts. A deer’s antlers can be called a “rack,” which is a perfectly acceptable use of the word. Antlers are often collected by hunters and displayed as a trophy.

How much is 5 racks?

Rack refers to one thousand dollars. Though that’s the standard definition for rack, lot of people with a lot less money than that, usually say they have racks meaning they have lot of money. The plural of rack is racks, if an individual say they have 5 racks, it means they have 5 thousand dollars.

How much is a full bag in money?

bag/bag of sand = grand = one thousand pounds (£1,000), seemingly recent cockney rhyming slang, in use from around the mid-1990s in Greater London; perhaps more widely too.

What does in my bag mean sexually?

Definitions include: a female who does sexual favors as payment instead of cash to obtain drugs or get a bag/sack of her own.

Why is a pony 25 pounds?

The terms monkey, meaning £500, and pony, meaning £25, are believed by some to have come from old Indian rupee banknotes, which it is asserted used to feature images of those animals, but this is untrue as no Indian banknotes have featured these animals.

Why do Londoners call a house a drum?

The use of the word Drum for a house comes from the Romany word Drom meaning Road. The term Drum n Bass is too modern a term.

What’s a dry lunch in Cockney slang?

Filters. (England, slang) A contemptible or uncool person. noun.

Why do the British call the toilet a loo?

‘Loo’ is our very own British word for the toilet, deriving from the French “guardez l’eau”, which means “watch out for the water”. When the British adopted it they shortened it to the more pronounceable “gardy-loo”, which eventually became “loo” and was applied to the toilet itself.