What does .NET stand for?

What does .NET stand for?

The domain name net is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) used in the Domain Name System of the Internet. The name is derived from the word network, indicating it was originally intended for organizations involved in networking technologies, such as Internet service providers and other infrastructure companies.

What is .biz mean?

biz is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. It is intended for registration of domains to be used by businesses. The name is a phonetic spelling of the first syllable of business.

Are .biz websites safe?

biz is a generic top-level domain that can be used for any purpose, it is more useful for a business than other TLDs. The . biz domain is a good choice when you want something different and unique. You may be able to create a catchy, innovative name that rhymes or connects with the extension.

What does BLZ mean?

all right

What does BLZ mean in German banking?


What does BLZ mean in Brazil?

blz= beleza (beauty) Beleza means “beauty” literally, but it can also be used as “alright”.

What does KKKK mean in Brazil?

Kkkk stands for the sound you hear when people laugh out loud, like Kah, Kah, Kah, Kah, especially in a sense of discredit or disdain.

What does AF mean in Portuguese?

Aff is an interjection that could be translated like an ‘ugh’, for instance, and it can be interpreted like a verbal eyeroll. It may be an onomatopeic word that simply relates to the transcription of the som (sound) we make when we voice those feelings, because it kind of sounds like a disappointed sigh.

What does RS mean in Brazil?


What do they call their money in Brazil?

Brazilian real

How is R pronounced in Portuguese?

When it comes to <r>, all Portuguese speakers all over the world are in agreement: use a Tap [ɾ]. It’s exactly the same sound as the r in Spanish words like barato, corona, and cristo. Your tongue should tap the roof of your mouth just once, very lightly — but you should not roll or trill the r.

Is R pronounced h in Portuguese?

When the R is the first letter of the word, we pronounce it like the H in English, as in “hotel”, or the J in Spanish, as in “Jose”.

How do you count to 10 in Portuguese?

1. Portuguese Numbers 1-10

  1. 1 Um.
  2. 2 Dois.
  3. 3 Três.
  4. 4 Quatro.
  5. 5 Cinco.
  6. 6 Seis.
  7. 7 Sete.
  8. 8 Oito.

How do you count to 20 in Portuguese?

“Vinte um,” is correct (as is “vinte e um”) when speaking of a quantity of something….Portuguese Numbers 1-100 Posted by polyana on Mar 29, 2010 in Spelling, Vocabulary.

1 um oohm
19 dezenove* deh-z-ee-noh-vee
20 vinte veen-chee
21 vinte e um veen-chee-oohm
22 vinte e dois veen-chee-doy-z

How do you greet someone in Portuguese?

Basic Portuguese Greetings

  1. Olá (Hello)
  2. Bom dia (Good morning, lit.
  3. Boa tarde (Good afternoon)
  4. Boa noite (Good evening / Good night)
  5. Bem-vindo (Welcome)
  6. Tudo bem? (How are you, lit.
  7. Até logo / Até amanhã (See you later/tomorrow, lit.
  8. Adeus (Goodbye)

How do you say the number two in Portuguese?

Portuguese Numbers 1-10

  1. 1 – um/uma.
  2. 2 – dois/duas.
  3. 3 – três.
  4. 4 – quatro.
  5. 5 – cinco.
  6. 6 – seis.
  7. 7 – sete.
  8. 8 – oito.

How do you say the time in Portuguese?

1. Talking about Time in Portuguese

  1. 1- Morning – manhã
  2. 2- Evening – noite.
  3. 3- Daytime – dia.
  4. 4- Nighttime – noite.
  5. 5- Hour – hora.
  6. 6- Minute – minuto.
  7. 7- O’clock – hora.
  8. 8- Half past – e meia.

What are the colors in Portuguese?

How To Name And Pronounce Colors In Portuguese

  • The color — a cor.
  • Red — vermelho.
  • Orange — laranja.
  • Yellow — amarelo.
  • Green — verde.
  • Blue — azul.
  • Pink — rosa.
  • Brown — marrom.

What is the Portuguese national flower?


What is the national tree of Portugal?

Cork Oak

What color is Vermelho in Portuguese?

Learn how to say the colors in Portuguese

red vermelho violet
orange laranja dark brown
yellow amarelo black
green verde gray
blue azul white

What Colours are the Portuguese flag?

The flag of Portugal (Portuguese: Bandeira de Portugal) is a rectangular bicolor with a field divided into green on the hoist, and red on the fly.

What does red mean in Brazil?


What color is Vermelho in Brazil?


red vermelho/a (vermelho = masculine / vermelha = feminine)
orange cor-de-laranja; laranja (lit. colour of orange [that is, the fruit])
purple roxo/a; púrpura;
pink cor-de-rosa; rosa (lit. colour of rose)
brown castanho/a (‘marrom’ in Brazil)