What does sole mean in reading?

What does sole mean in reading?

“Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.”

How do you use the word sole?

Sole sentence example

  1. His own voice was the sole reply.
  2. I was miffed that I was the sole person burdened with straightening out this mess.
  3. Protective of his sole treasure, he had never entrusted anyone else with guarding it.
  4. Gladys Turnbull remained Bird Song’s sole paying guest, at least for a couple of days longer.

What is another word for either?

What is another word for either?

any any one
either of the two one of them
one of the two one or the other
either one of them either one of the two
six of one, half a dozen of the other either/or

What is the correct way to say either?

Using English phonetics, [ EE-ther ] and [ AHY-ther ] are both correct.

Do you say me either or neither?

Both me either and me neither mean approximately the same thing, but neither is grammatically precise. To understand why, we’ll consider how they are often expressed. Person 1: “I don’t feel like going to work today.” Person 2: “Me either” (or “Me neither”).

When should you use either or neither?

Alone: either means “one of the two”; neither means “none of the two.” Use a singular verb. Either combines with or; neither combines with nor.

How do you use either Neither OR and NOR correctly?

Use a Plural Verb if One (or Both) Elements Are Plural

  1. The word either should never be paired with.
  2. The word neither should never be paired with.
  3. You can only use nor in a sentence if there’s a neither (Some people say that “not … nor” is also a valid construction, but it’s safer to stick with “neither”).

Are neither and nor used together?

Either is always paired with or, and neither is always paired with nor. If you are matching either and nor, I hate to break it to you, but you’re doing it wrong. Additionally, nor is generally not used where neither is not also used.

Do you need neither to use nor?

They require balance. A nor usually follows a neither when they’re used in the same sentence (1). For example, you might say, “I like neither hot dogs nor mustard.” You may also use nor if you’re talking about more than two items, but you must repeat nor after each element (2).

Is neither/nor correct?

A “nor” usually follows a “neither” when they’re used in the same sentence (1). For example, you might say: I like neither hot dogs nor ketchup. You can also use “nor” if you’re talking about more than two items, but you have to repeat “nor” after each element (2).

How do you use neither/nor in a sentence?


  1. He can neither speak nor write English.
  2. He neither ate the cake himself nor allowed others to eat it.
  3. You should neither meet him nor talk to him.
  4. She has neither eaten anything nor slept in two days.
  5. The old woman can neither walk nor talk.
  6. She is neither beautiful nor intelligent.

What does neither mean?

: not the one and not the other of two people or things. neither. adjective. English Language Learners Definition of neither (Entry 3 of 3) : not one or the other of two people or things.

What do we use neither for?

Neither allows us to make a negative statement about two people or things at the same time. Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We use neither of before pronouns and plural countable nouns which have a determiner (my, his, the) before them: Neither of us went to the concert.