What does the term double dipping mean?

What does the term double dipping mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to obtain money from two sources at the same time or by two separate accounting methods Apparently, preferred shareholders get to double-dip.

Can double dipping cause infection?

Regardless of the type of dip, Dr. Weinmann says double-dippers spread germs that could lead to illnesses like the flu, colds and infections in others. “Many illnesses may be transmitted from saliva, so sharing your saliva by double-dipping should be avoided,” explains Dr. Weinmann.

What is Bo short for in Seinfeld?

Kramer comments that Jerry and Elaine have absorbed the body odor from the car. Elaine realizes the odor is the reason Carl didn’t spend the night with her. Jerry demands that the restaurant share the cost of cleaning the car. The restaurant maître d’ (Michael Des Barres) refuses.

What is a Kavorka?

The Kavorka (Pronounced Kah-vor-kah) is a word which originated from the Latvian Orthodox term meaning “the lure of the animal”. It is often described as a curse, making someone irresistible to you, one person or several are naturally drawn to you at the same time.

What was the smell in Jerry’s car?

To set the scene… Jerry and Elaine go out to a restaurant and have a valet park their car. On the drive home they notice a terrible smell that they think is BO.

Who played Mona on Seinfeld?

Viveka Davis

Who is George’s boss in Seinfeld?

Richard Herd

Who appeared in the most Seinfeld episodes?

Ruth Cohen

Was Jack Black on Seinfeld?

Sam Lloyd plays Ricky in this episode and episode 5.10, Seinfeld: The Cigar Store Indian (1993). One of the actors Lloyd beat for the role was Jack Black.

Is there a Superman reference in every Seinfeld episode?

Seinfeld’s Pal, Superman. Almost everyone knows that comedian Jerry Seinfeld is a big Superman fan. But an urban legend has sprung up that Jerry snuck a reference to the Man of Steel in every episode of NBC’s Must-See comedy juggernaut, “Seinfeld”, which aired from 1989 to 1998. Not true.

Who played two face on Seinfeld?

Karen Fineman

Which Seinfeld episode has Festivus?

The Strike

What is Festivus for the Rest of Us?

The phrase “a Festivus for the rest of us” originally referred to those remaining after the death of the elder O’Keefe’s mother, Jeanette, in 1976; i.e., the “rest of us” are the living, as opposed to the dead. It is now celebrated on December 23, as depicted in the Seinfeld episode written by the younger O’Keefe.

Who said Festivus for the Rest of Us?

In the Seinfeld episode, Frank Costanza, played by the late Jerry Stiller, hates all “commercial and religious aspects of Christmas,” according to his son George, and made up his own holiday: A Festivus for the rest of us.

What do you eat on Festivus?

In the original Seinfeld Festivus episode, titled “The Strike”, the only food served for dinner was a platter of meatloaf on a pile of lettuce.

How does Festivus end?

Festivus doesn’t officially end until a guest has pinned the head of the household in a wrestling match called Feats of Strength. The special guest can be selected by the head of the household or nominated by another guest.

What day is Festivus on Seinfeld?

December 23rd

How can I watch Seinfeld Festivus episode?

Watch Seinfeld’s Festivus episode on Hulu.

How was Festivus born?

The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. Thus “a Festivus for the rest of us” was born — though the holiday was really created by “Seinfeld” writer Dan O’Keefe’s father, Dan Sr., in the 1960s and later re-purposed for the series, for which he can thank his brother, Mark.

What holiday became popular after it was featured on an episode of Seinfeld?


What is the best Seinfeld episode?

Here are the 10 best episodes of Seinfeld.

  • The Contest (Season 4, Episode 11)
  • The Junior Mint (Season 4, Episode 20)
  • The Dinner Party (Season 5, Episode 13)
  • The Marine Biologist (Season 5, Episode 14)
  • The Opposite (Season 5, Episode 21)
  • The Soup Nazi (Season 7, Episode 6)
  • The Chicken Roaster (Season 8, Episode 8)