What does Uncumbered mean?

What does Uncumbered mean?

Unencumbered refers to an asset or property that is free and clear of any encumbrances, such as creditor claims or liens. An unencumbered asset is much easier to sell or transfer than one with an encumbrance.

What does it mean to be a burden?

: to make (someone) hold or carry something heavy or accept or deal with something difficult : to put a heavy burden on (someone)

What does purloined mean?

transitive verb. : to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust.

What does the word unencumbered mean as it is used in the sentence?

When you’re unencumbered, you’re free of baggage: either you literally don’t have a lot of stuff to carry, or you’re emotionally care-free. In both senses being unencumbered means you feel light: either literally or emotionally.

Is unencumbered a word?

adjective. not impeded, slowed down, or retarded; free to move, advance, or go forward. having few or no burdens or obligations.

What is the definition of helots?

Helot, a state-owned serf of the ancient Spartans. The ethnic origin of helots is uncertain, but they were probably the original inhabitants of Laconia (the area around the Spartan capital) who were reduced to servility after the conquest of their land by the numerically fewer Dorians.

What does impediment mean?

1 : something that impedes especially : an impairment (such as a stutter or a lisp) that interferes with the proper articulation of speech. 2 : a bar or hindrance (such as lack of sufficient age) to a lawful marriage.

What does unencumbered funds mean?

An unencumbered balance is that portion of an appropriation that has not yet been spent or tagged for use. Thus, it is the amount of money remaining that is available for use. The concept is employed in governmental accounting.

Is your property unencumbered?

Essentially, it is the word we use for a property that has no mortgage to pay on it. That means there must be no loans, charges or restrictions in place. If you’ve completely paid off your mortgage, or you purchased it outright with cash, your property is unencumbered.

What are the two broad categories of encumbrances?

The two general types of encumbrance are those that affect the property’s use and those that affect legal ownership, value and transfer. An easement is an interest in real property that gives the holder the right to use portions of the legal owner’s real property in a defined way.

Can a lien be transferred?

Generally speaking you can transfer a property with a lien as long as the person accepting the transfer, by gift or sale, is willing to accept the property with the cloud of the lien on the title. This works if there is no mortgage lender as most, if…

What is the difference between a lien and a Judgement?

A judgment is a court order. A lien is a claim of interest in a property right. A judgment can turn into a lien when the law allows this. For example, if a creditor records a court judgment, it can affect the right of an owner of real property to sell the…