What does within 30 minutes mean?

What does within 30 minutes mean?

1) I will get there within 30 min means 30 min or earlier. 2) I will get there in 30 minutes means exactly that. 3) I will get there after thirty minutes means 30 minutes or later.

What does it mean within 24 hours?

If a time is X, within 24 hours means up to 24 later. Anytime within those 24 hours. – Lambie Jan 7 ’20 at 22:58. As noted in a similar question, ‘within’ can refer to time before as well. E.g., “do not eat within one hour of taking this medication” means don’t eat for an hour before, and don’t eat for an hour after.

What does it mean within the hour?

“Within the hour” means “within one hour” or “before 60 minutes has elapsed.” “Before an hour” is not itself a standalone phrase in English: you have to use it in a phrase such as “before an hour has elapsed.”

What does XX 00 mean?

It’s one o’clock. It’s half past four. At the full hour (xx:00) we use o’clock. To add half an hour (xx:30) we use half past… . It’s a quarter past five.

What does within 30 days of closing mean?

From a grammatical standpoint: Within 30 days means within any duration of time less than or equal to 30 days (measured from some starting point).

What does within 30 days of your birthday mean?

Answered 2 years ago. It means that you should pay expenses(or whatever ) within 30days of the date of commencement. It will be more clear after an example. For instance :Mrs.

What happens before closing on a home?

At your mortgage closing, you meet with various legal representatives to sign your mortgage and other documents, make any required payments and receive the keys to your new property. You give a certified or cashier’s check to cover the down payment (if applicable), closing costs, prepaid interest, taxes and insurance.

Can seller back out after closing?

But unlike buyers, sellers can’t back out and forfeit their earnest deposit money (usually 1-3 percent of the offer price). If you decide to cancel a deal when the home is already under contract, you can be either legally forced to close anyway or sued for financial damages.