What happens if I change my phone number?

What happens if I change my phone number?

Every phone carrier has their own rules for changing your phone number. However, if you have an Android phone running Gingerbread (2.3) OS or earlier, changing your number will reset your device and wipe your apps, messages, photos, and any accounts or custom settings.

How can you tell if a phone number is still active?

Visit www.textmagic.com or download the TextMagic mobile app on google play store. Enter your phone number and country and click on Validate Number. This app will show you the status of the number if it is active or not. Another app you can use is Phone Number Monitoring.

How do you tell if a number has been changed?

If the phone is just off, then if you call it, your call should just go straight to voice mail. If they have changed their number and the number has yet to be reallocated (usually several months are allowed), then you will likely get an operator message telling you that the number is not recognised/unobtainable etc.

What happens when you text a number that blocked you?

If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won’t be delivered to the Android user.” It’s the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in.

How do you find out if someone has deleted your number?

App to find out who has deleted your number ME – Just watch, available for both Android and iPhone) offer the possibility of knowing whether or not one of your contacts has deleted your phone number from the address book only if they have also installed the application on their smartphone.

Who has my number saved in their phone?

Is it Possible to Know by Which Name Someone has Saved Your Phone Number? Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for some), there is no way to see who has stored your information under a specific name or tag.

What do friends see when WhatsApp account is deleted?

Will Your Friends Be Notified When You Delete Your Account WhatsApp doesn’t send a direct message to your friends that you have deleted the account. However, if you are a member of any WhatsApp group, others will see the text ‘ABC left. ‘ Again, it’s not direct as ‘ABC deleted the account.