What happens if stock market goes to zero?

What happens if stock market goes to zero?

A drop in price to zero means the investor loses his or her entire investment – a return of -100%. Because the stock is worthless, the investor holding a short position does not have to buy back the shares and return them to the lender (usually a broker), which means the short position gains a 100% return.

What is a Nash equilibrium example?

In the Nash equilibrium, each player’s strategy is optimal when considering the decisions of other players. Every player wins because everyone gets the outcome they desire. The prisoners’ dilemma is a common game theory example and one that adequately showcases the effect of the Nash equilibrium.

What is an example of a social dilemma?

Social dilemmas arise when an individual receives a higher payoff for defecting than cooperating when everyone else cooperates. When everyone defects they are worse off. A great example of a social dilemma is to imagine yourself out with a group of your friends for dinner.

What is an example of a dilemma?

In such a dilemma, choosing one moral will result in violating another; or, doing one thing could bring positive results but is morally wrong. A common example is “stealing from the rich to feed the poor.”

What does the social dilemma say?

The Social Dilemma focuses on how big social media companies manipulate users by using algorithms that encourage addiction to their platforms. It also shows, fairly accurately, how platforms harvest personal data to target users with ads – and have so far gone largely unregulated.

How do you solve a social dilemma?

To change the actual social structure generating the social dilemma through strategies such as imposing legal regulations to prohibit a defective behavior, decreasing the individual benefit of the defective behavior, or increasing the individual benefit of a cooperative behavior.

What does dilemma mean?

1a : a usually undesirable or unpleasant choice faces this dilemma: raise interest rates and slow the economy or lower them and risk serious inflation.

What is a social dilemma in psychology?

Broadly defined, social dilemmas involve a conflict between immediate self-interest and longer-term collective interests. These are challenging situations because acting in one’s immediate self-interest is tempting to everyone involved, even though everybody benefits from acting in the longer-term collective interest.

Where can I see the social dilemma?

The Social Dilemma premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival on January 26, 2020, and was released on Netflix on September 9, 2020.

What the social dilemma gets wrong?

At the core of Facebook’s rebuttal, “What ‘The Social Dilemma’ Gets Wrong,” is that the documentary offers a sensationalist view of how social platforms work via insights and commentary from former employees of tech giants who haven’t been on the “inside” for many years.

Can I watch social dilemma without Netflix?

Since the documentary was made available across the rest of the world, it has become one of the most talked-about pieces of television and is currently in the top 10 on Netflix. Sadly the show is not available to watch on any other streaming platform at this time – including Prime Video, Hulu, Apple TV and others.

What to do after watching the social dilemma?

Feeling Scared After Watching The Social Dilemma? Here’s What You Can Do

  1. Delete All Your Social Media Accounts.
  2. Delete the Apps.
  3. Turn Off Notifications.
  4. Greyscale Your Phone.
  5. Don’t Let Your Browser Choose Your Content.
  6. Get off Google.
  7. Don’t Fall for Clickbait.
  8. Don’t Just Follow People You Agree With.

What can we learn from social dilemma?

The Social Dilemma points to growing evidence that teens, as well as adults, have lost the ability to calm and soothe themselves with real-world reflection, activities, and relationships. Instead, they deal with challenging emotions by turning to social media for distraction and entertainment.

What did we learn from the social dilemma?

“The Social Dilemma” tells us that many social media companies succeed by capturing as much of our attention as they can, then selling that attention to the highest bidders. As the saying goes, if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.

What Netflix’s the social dilemma gets wrong about big tech?

Netflix’s new documentary The Social Dilemma has a single, and simple, message: Put down your phone, you’re being manipulated. But some scholars say the hype is overblown, at least when looking at how much social media users have to fear.