What is a list of tasks called?

What is a list of tasks called?

other words for to-do list. agenda. calendar. docket. frame.

What’s another word for bucket list?

What is another word for bucket list?

goal aim
aspiration mission
resolution destination
Holy Grail wish
bourn bourne

Is it to do list or to do list?

(US) A task yet to be done; an item on a to-do list. You can use whichever you want, but be consistent. To-do is a little clearer, but hyphens are naturally lost as languages evolve (to-day, wire-less), so todo should be fine too.

What is a To Do list app?

The best to-do list apps

  • Todoist for balancing power and simplicity.
  • TickTick for embedded calendars and timers.
  • Microsoft To Do for Microsoft power users (and Wunderlist refugees)
  • Things for elegant design.
  • OmniFocus for specific organizational systems.
  • Habitica for making doing things fun.

What is the meaning of ineffective?

not effective; not producing results; ineffectual: ineffective efforts; ineffective remedies. inefficient or incompetent; incapable: an ineffective manager. lacking in artistic effect, as a literary work, theatrical production, or painting.

What is the difference between effective and ineffective?

Effective vs Ineffective The difference between effective and ineffective is that effective means something that works or brings winning results whereas ineffective is used to indicate something that does not work or brings no fruitful results.

What is another word for ineffective?

Ineffective Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for ineffective?

inefficient ineffectual
inadequate inefficacious
feeble powerless
unfit useless
impotent inept

What’s another word for insufficient?

Insufficient Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for insufficient?

deficient inadequate
incomplete scant
meagreUK sparse
scarce wanting
incommensurate scanty