What is a plenary session in teaching?

What is a plenary session in teaching?

Plenaries are used by teachers to review the lesson objectives and consolidate learning. This can be midway through, or at the end of a lesson. Students and teachers can reflect on the learning, ask questions, discuss next steps and celebrate good work and positive learning outcomes.

What is a mini-plenary teaching?

The plenary allows the teacher to assess the whole class’s understanding at once. Mini plenaries can be used as an effective form of assessment at transition points within a lesson, although make sure pupil learning or consolidation is at the heart of a mini-plenary, not just a tick box exercise (Phil Beadle, 2013).

What is reflective thinking?

Critical thinking and reflective thinking are often used synonymously. Dewey (1933) suggests that reflective thinking is an active, persistent, and careful consideration of a belief or supposed form of knowledge, of the grounds that support that knowledge, and the further conclusions to which that knowledge leads.

Who is a reflective person?

The definition of reflective is something that produces a reflection or mirror image. It also is someone who is often deep in thought. An example of something that would be described as reflective is a person who is always thinking about his actions and the meaning of life.

How do you become a reflective thinker?

Developing your reflective insights

  1. Stand back from the eve nts and try to be objective.
  2. Be critical of your own actions.
  3. Think of alternative explanations of events.
  4. Make use of evidence from a range of sources e.g. theories.
  5. Recognise that your own point of view will change with time.

What is the end goal of reflective thinking?

The act of identifying your own values, goals and objectives is reflective. It requires self-awareness and an understanding of the opportunities, restrictions and barriers around you.

What is a daily reflection?

A short daily reflection is nothing but a healthy habit. Regular daily reflections are a positive habit, like any other healthy and beneficial habit, from exercising to reading and being grateful. Every habit has three key elements. There must be a trigger, a behavior you perform and, in the end, a reward you enjoy.

What is a learning reflection?

Reflective learning is a way of allowing learners to step back from their learning experience, helping them to develop critical thinking skills and, improve on future performance by analysing what they have learned and how far they have come.

What is reflective practice or reflective thinking?

What is Reflective Practice? Reflective practice is, in its simplest form, thinking about or reflecting on what you do. It is closely linked to the concept of learning from experience, in that you think about what you did, and what happened, and decide from that what you would do differently next time.

What are the 4 learning styles of Kolb?

The learning cycle that David Kolb analysed in his model published in 1984 basically involves four stages, namely: concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Effective learning can be seen when the learner progresses through the cycle.