What is an antonym for majority?

What is an antonym for majority?

majority. Antonyms: inferiority, juniority, minority.

What’s another word for Dominated?

What is another word for dominate?

control rule
lead oppress
conquer dictate
eclipse overshadow
subdue subject

What’s the opposite of being dominant?

What is the opposite of dominant?

submissive complaisant
yielding acquiescent
amenable accommodating
tractable obedient
passive unassertive

What is the opposite of dominating?

What is the opposite of dominating?

weak characterless
reserved democratic
self-effacing submissive
deferential unassuming
timid diffident

Which is the closest synonym for the word accomplish?

Synonyms & Antonyms of accomplish

  • achieve,
  • bring off,
  • carry off,
  • carry out,
  • commit,
  • compass,
  • do,
  • execute,

What do you call an accomplished person?

accomplish, accomplishable, accomplishment, accomplice. go-to person. n. a person you can go to for help, advice or information.

What is another word for eventually?

What is another word for eventually?

finally ultimately
hereafter conclusively
some day in the long run
in conclusion in consummation
in the future in the sequel

Will synonyms in English?

prospective; future; coming; intended; next; would-be; will-be; meant.

What is the opposite of willpower?

feebleness, excessiveness, intemperateness, failing, foible, frailty, indiscipline, unconstraint, self-indulgence, unreservedness, fault, intemperance, overindulgence, shortcoming, unrestraint, demerit, weakness, Immoderacy, indulgence, vice, Unreserve, gratification.

What is opposite of want?

There is no exact opposite of “want”. “disincline” would fit also (again, it is not an exact opposite). It covers different levels of unwillingness and it is both transitive and intransitive. to make or be unwilling, reluctant, or averse. Although, “diswant” would be a nice neologism.

How do you say I want in a formal way?

If it’s politeness you’re trying to achieve, you could say I would like to know. This transforms what might have been interpreted as a demand into a request. An alternative word would be enquire, such as in I would like to enquire. You can precede to know with all sorts of verbs.

What to say instead of I wanted to follow up?

You could try:

  • “I’m following up on the below” or “Following up on this [request/question/assignment]”
  • “I’m circling back on the below” or “Circling back on this [request/question/assignment]”
  • “I’m checking in on the below” or “Checking in on this [request/question/assignment]”

How do you ask for an update on issue?

I would like to have an update on [the project] by [date and time you want the update]. I’d appreciate it if you could make this a priority.

How do you politely tell someone to wait in an email?


  1. hold on. phrasal verb. used for telling someone to stop or wait.
  2. just wait until/till. phrase.
  3. hang on/hold on a minute. phrase.
  4. wait a minute/second. phrase.
  5. just a minute/moment/second. phrase.
  6. let me see/think. phrase.
  7. bear with me/us. phrasal verb.
  8. something will have to wait. phrase.

Is saying wait rude?

The word that makes this a tad bit on the aggressive side is “wait”. Replacing it with “Just” or “Give me” even “I need” is a better approach. “Wait a minute” is rude. Generally speaking, it’s more polite to say what you need, rather than to give an order.

Should you wait for someone to be ready for a relationship?

Waiting Lets Your Partner See How Much You Care Maybe they’ve just come out of a long-term relationship, or they simply don’t move as quickly as you do. By giving your partner time to make their decision, you’re not only respecting their wishes, but you’re also showing them they’re worth waiting for.