What is an example of social conflict theory?

What is an example of social conflict theory?

Average-performing students and struggling students do not receive these same opportunities in their classes, which are often more focused on remediation and learning trades. If these students are able to make it to college, they will be economically disadvantaged due to student loans.

How does conflict theory explain social change?

Conflict theory sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of resources, power, and inequality. Unlike functionalist theory, conflict theory is better at explaining social change, and weaker at explaining social stability. Conflict theory derives from the ideas of Karl Marx.

How can we explain poverty?

Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. However, poverty is more, much more than just not having enough money. The World Bank Organization describes poverty in this way: “Poverty is hunger.

How does Marxism explain poverty?

Marxists theorize that inequality and poverty are functional components of the capitalist mode of production: capitalism necessarily produces inegalitarian social structures. Inequality is transferred from one generation to another through the environment of services and opportunities which surrounds each individual.

How does a Marxist view link to poverty violence and injustice?

Marxists state that crime happens as a result of inequality and poverty. Marxism suggests deviance means to stray from the norms and values of the ruling classes since they control the means of production, and are therefore the intellectual rulers in society.

What did Karl Marx believe about the relationship between the rich and poor?

Marxism is concerned for the poor and powerless. It claims that society is in conflict between the rich who control everything and the poor who must work for the rich and gain little in reward for their work.