What is difference between circumstance and situation?

What is difference between circumstance and situation?

A situation is a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself. And a circumstance is a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action. To plainly put it, a situation is the thing that’s happening and the circumstance is the condition of that thing.

What does personal circumstance mean?

“Personal circumstances” are things that affect someone that relate directly to them rather than others. It is the situation you find yourself in.

How does personal circumstances affect knowledge?

Knowledge based on personal circumstances is considered to give shape to our shared. normally give less credibility to the knowledge related to our personal circumstances. serious consequences as a society and misguided people to believe the false knowledge. is a beneficial in the trusting process.

What does difficult situation mean?

adjective. formal involved in a complicated or unpleasant situation that it is difficult to escape from.

What means dissipated?

transitive verb. 1a : to break up and drive off dissipate a crowd. b : to cause to spread thin or scatter and gradually vanish one’s sympathy is eventually dissipated— Andrew Feinberg. c physics : to lose (heat, electricity, etc.)

What does cumulate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to gather or pile in a heap. 2 : to combine into one. 3 : to build up by addition of new material.

What is the best synonyms for accumulated?


  • gather, collect, assemble.
  • amass, stockpile, pile up, heap up, rack up, run up, scrape together, store, store up, hoard, cumulate, lay in, lay up, garner.
  • mass, increase, multiply, accrue, snowball.
  • British tot up.
  • informal stash, stash away.

What is another word for aggregate?

Aggregate Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for aggregate?

added combined
whole assembled
complete cumulative
full overall
amassed heaped

What word means going on without ceasing?

Eternal, endless, everlasting, perpetual imply lasting or going on without ceasing.

Which word does not have similar meaning to energize?

Answer. There are so many word which doesn’t have similar meaning to energise for example fear etc.

What is the synonym of continuing?

Frequently Asked Questions About continue Some common synonyms of continue are abide, endure, last, and persist. While all these words mean “to exist over a period of time or indefinitely,” continue applies to a process going on without ending.