What is it called when you stay-at-home?

What is it called when you stay-at-home?

A stay-at-home order, safer-at-home order, movement control order (more common in Southeast Asia), or lockdown restrictions (in the United Kingdom) – also referred to by loose use of the terms (self-) quarantine, (self-) isolation, or lockdown – is an order from a government authority that restricts movements of a …

What is correct stay home or stay at home?

“Stay home” is just as acceptable as “Stay at home”, and people almost never say “go to home”, it’s always “go home”. But note that when used as an adjective, it becomes “stay-at-home”, as in, “a stay-at-home mom”.

What’s the difference between stay in and stay at?

If this is a question of “at” vs “in” then the common difference is that “in” implies “inside” and limited to an enclosed space whereas “at” implies a region or some area.

How do you spell stay at home mom?

A mother who forgoes employment outside of the home in order to care for her children and the household. Being a stay-at-home mom is just as much hard work as going to an office every day.

How do you say stay at home?

Synonyms for Stay-at-home

  1. domestic.
  2. homebody. n.
  3. housekeeper. n.
  4. homemaker. n.
  5. househusband. n.
  6. housewife. n.
  7. stay at home.
  8. home.

What is the meaning of stay home?

chiefly US. : to not go out for an activity Let’s stay home tonight.

What does tarry mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) intransitive verb. 1a : to delay or be tardy in acting or doing.

Does day and away rhyme?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
way 100 Noun
day 100 Noun
say 100 Verb
play 100 Verb, Noun

What are words that rhyme with all?

Word Rhyme rating
mall 100
haul 100
stall 100
crawl 100

What Rhymes With more for a poem?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
implore 100 [x/]
abhor 100 [x/]
hoar 100 [/]
Lenore 100 [x/]

What word rhymes with go?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
grow 100 Verb
row 100 Noun
snow 100 Noun
pro 100 Adjective, Noun

What word rhymes with floor?

What rhymes with floor?

  • 1 syllable. Your. For. Or. More. Swore. Door. War. Tore. Sore. Core. Score.
  • 2 syllables. Hardcore. Explore. Before. Adore. C4. Ignore. M4. Therefore. Mentor. Encore.
  • 3 syllables. Anymore. Metaphor. Dinosaur. Nevermore. Baltimore. Carnivore. Furthermore. Matador. Sycamore. Singapore.
  • 4 syllables. Neanderthal. Cholesterol. Albuterol.

What is the rhyming word of slow?

‘slow’ may also rhyme with: blow · bow · crow · dough · floe · flow · glow · go · grow · hoe…

What are 2 words that rhyme With thrown?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
clone 100 Noun, Verb
groan 100 Noun, Verb
sewn 100 Adjective
moan 100 Noun, Verb

What are some words that rhyme with time?

What rhymes with time?

  • 1 syllable. I’m. Rhyme. Prime. Dime. Climb. Crime. Lime. Grime. Slime.
  • 2 syllables. Lifetime. Sublime. Sometime. Lunchtime. Sunshine. Define. Divine. Design. Bedtime.
  • 3 syllables. Everytime. Anytime. Summertime. Overtime. Paradigm. Pantomime. Wintertime. Dinnertime. Christmastime.
  • 5 syllables. Methamphetamine.
  • 6 syllables. Aol.