What is maintenance staff?

What is maintenance staff?

Maintenance workers, also known as repair workers, fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Tasks include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning system maintenance.

What’s another word for maintenance man?

What is another word for maintenance man?

caretaker custodian
janitor maintenance person
odd job man warden
groundskeeper superintendent
cleaner super

What is another word for high maintenance?

High-maintenance Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for high-maintenance?

demanding perfectionist
fussy importunate
intractable judgemental
judgmental obstinate
rigorous strict

What’s a fancy name for janitor?

concierge, custodian, housekeeper, gatekeeper, superintendent, caretaker, cleaner, watchman, keeper, warden, guardian, porter, guard, landlady, steward, landlord.

What is the synonym of improvement?


  • advance,
  • advancement,
  • breakthrough,
  • enhancement,
  • refinement.

What’s a word for constantly changing?

What is another word for constantly changing?

ever-changing continuously changing
ever-shifting changeable
erratic fluctuating
capricious mercurial
quicksilver unstable

What does it mean to exaggerate the truth?

If you’re prone to exaggeration, it means you habitually overstate the truth. When you make something showier, or more noticeable than normal, that’s also called exaggeration. The exaggeration of your hand movements might be necessary on stage so the audience can see them, but in real life it just looks silly.

What are metaphors words?

A metaphor is a word or phrase used to describe something as if it was something else. A metaphor isn’t a comparison – that’s a simile, where you say one thing is ‘like’ another (“Her eyes were like diamonds”). Instead, a metaphor is simply a statement where you are saying that one thing is another.

What is a metaphor for smart?

Answer: Einstein is the metaphor to describe about someone who is very smart.

What is a metaphor for love?

LOVE-AS-NATURAL-FORCE METAPHOR – love is represented as a storm, flood, or wind, thus highlighting the aspects of the intensity of love and the lack of control of those in love. She swept me off my feet. Waves of passion came over him. She was carried away by love.