What is opposite of chaos?

What is opposite of chaos?

English Synonyms and Antonyms chaos. Antonyms: manner, method, mode, order, regularity, rule, system. Synonyms: confusion, derangement, disarrangement, disorder, irregularity.

What is another way to say chaos?

What is another word for chaos?

havoc confusion
disarray entropy
fussing hubbub
lawlessness pandemonium
ruckus trouble

What word is chaos?

noun. a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order. any confused, disorderly mass: a chaos of meaningless phrases. the infinity of space or formless matter supposed to have preceded the existence of the ordered universe.

What is the synonyms for chaos?

other words for chaos

  • anarchy.
  • disarray.
  • discord.
  • disorder.
  • lawlessness.
  • pandemonium.
  • tumult.
  • turmoil.

What do you call a person who creates chaos?

An agent of chaos. They are divisive. You could call them a rabble-rouser.

What is a fancy word for crazy?

ridiculous, absurd, foolish, idiotic, ill-conceived, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, senseless. fanatical, devoted, enthusiastic, infatuated, mad, passionate, wild (informal) insane, crazed, demented, deranged, mad, nuts (slang), out of one’s mind, unbalanced.

What can I say instead of psycho?

Better Words To Use Instead Of “Psycho”

  • quirky. First recorded in the early 1800s, quirky is an adjective stemming from the word quirk, which means “a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality.” It offers a great option to describe a subject that’s unique or unusual in an endearing way.
  • kooky.
  • fickle.
  • oddball.

What are some crazy words?

Let’s see which of these craziest words you already know and which ones are new to you:

  • Bumfuzzle. This is a simple term that refers to being confused, perplexed, or flustered or to cause confusion.
  • Cattywampus.
  • Gardyloo.
  • Taradiddle.
  • Snickersnee.
  • Widdershins.
  • Collywobbles.
  • Gubbins.

What means Dissoriented?

: having lost one’s sense of time, place, or identity She opened her eyes, startled and disoriented for an instant.

What is someone with dementia called?

Most people with dementia say that they prefer the term ‘living with dementia’ to be used for a person who has dementia. Although family, carers and friends are all affected, it is usually not helpful to say that they are also ‘living with dementia’.

Is demented derogatory?

Also, “demented” as a term may carry historic baggage. Historically, “demented” has had a broader and more pejorative meaning than being afflicted with an illness affecting cognitive function. On the other hand, when this term is used nowadays, the historic negative connotations are rarely intended.

What is a demented mind?

Dementia is a decline in mental ability which affects memory, thinking, problem-solving, concentration and perception.

How does dementia feel?

Someone recently diagnosed with dementia is likely to experience a range of emotions. These may include grief, loss, anger, shock, fear, disbelief and even relief. Some people may struggle to deal with these emotions and they may move between emotions as they adjust.