What is the antonym for against?

What is the antonym for against?

What is the opposite of against?

accepting receptive
susceptible receptive to

When people go against your wishes?

: to do something even though someone does not want one to do it They went against their parents’ wishes and got married.

What is the meaning of against the odds?

If you do or achieve something against (all) the odds/against all odds, you do or achieve it although there were a lot of problems and you were not likely to succeed: Against all the odds, he recovered.

Can you do something against someone’s advice?

If you do something against someone’s advice, wishes, etc, you do it although they have said you should not or must not: He flew there against his doctor’s advice. to have a reason not to like someone or something: I have nothing against him personally, I just don’t think he’s the right man for the job.

Did something against principles meaning?

: in opposition to what someone believes It’s against his principles to cheat.

What are examples of principles?

50 Timeless Principles Every Person Should Live By

  • Sing Even When You Don’t Feel Like Singing. Some days there won’t be a song in your heart.
  • Take Up Another’s Burdens As Your Own.
  • Gain More Than Just Physical Strength.
  • Forgive Frequently.
  • Adjust Your Attitude Frequently.
  • See Inconveniences As Adventures.
  • Don’t Let The External Interfere With Your Internal.
  • Choose Happiness.

What is a principle of something?

A principle is a proposition or value that is a guide for behavior or evaluation. In law, it is a rule that has to be or usually is to be followed, or can be desirably followed, or is an inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature or the way that a system is constructed.

What is a personal principle?

They often concern human behavior and govern interactions between people. Principles represent an objective reality that transcends cultures and individuals. For example, Covey cites various principles, including fairness, integrity, and honesty. He declared, “A principle is a natural law like gravity.

What is the formal definition of principles?

1a : a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption. b(1) : a rule or code of conduct. (2) : habitual devotion to right principles a man of principle. c : the laws or facts of nature underlying the working of an artificial device.

What is an antonym for principle?

principle. Antonyms: exhibition, manifestation, application, development, issue, exercise, operation, formation, action. Synonyms: source, origin, motive, cause, energy, substance, element, power, faculty, truth, tenet, law, doctrine, axiom, maxim, postulate, rule.

What is another name for principles?

Synonyms of principle

  • precept,
  • rule,
  • standard,
  • tenet.

What is the synonyms of fundamental?


  • basic, foundational, rudimentary, elemental, elementary, underlying, basal, radical, root.
  • primary, cardinal, initial, original, prime, first, primitive, primordial.
  • principal, chief, capital, key, central.
  • structural, organic, constitutional, inherent, intrinsic, ingrained.

What do you call a person with principles?

A stickler is a person who insists on behaving a certain way (usually adherent to a fixed principle or set of principles). Definition: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/stickler. noun. A person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour.

What do you call a person without principles?

The unprincipled person is without moral principles or ethical standards in his or her conduct or actions: an unprincipled rogue; unprincipled conduct.

What do you call someone who sticks to their morals?

Someone who is morally zealous would be someone who is all about sticking to their moral principles: She truly is a morally zealous person.

What’s a word for always being right?

6 Answers. A “dogmatist” is always right.

What do you call a know-it-all?

other words for know-it-all smart aleck. wise guy. braggart. brain. intellectual.

What is the adjective of superior?

adjective. higher in station, rank, degree, importance, etc.: a superior officer. above the average in excellence, merit, intelligence, etc.: superior math students. of higher grade or quality: superior merchandise.

What is it called when someone thinks they are superior?

conceited, egocentric, egoistic. (also egoistical), egotistic.

What is the antonym of word superior?

What is the opposite of superior?

inferior worse
poorer shoddier
of inferior quality of poorer quality
not as good lesser
poorer-quality lousier