What is the meaning of coincides?

What is the meaning of coincides?

English Language Learners Definition of coincide : to happen at the same time as something else. : to agree with something exactly : to be the same as something else.

Is coincided with?

coincide with something. to agree with or match something; [for something] to happen at the same time as something else. This pattern coincides with the pattern we see in the carpet. My birthday sometimes coincides with Thanksgiving Day.

How do you use coincide?

To occupy exactly the same space. The two squares coincide nicely. To occur at the same time. The conference will coincide with his vacation.

Is Coincidingly a word?

To agree exactly, as in opinion; concur.

What does leisure mean?

time free from work or duties

What is the best definition of leisure?

What is the best definition of leisure? A state of being-a feeling that all is well with the world.

What are the two types of leisure?

The total leisure time indicator is the sum of two categories of leisure: active leisure time and passive leisure time. Physical leisure, which encompasses sports and exercise. Passive leisure is the time that people spend at home in activities that are relaxing and that require little effort.

What is a life of leisure?

: an existence that does not require that one works She leads a life of leisure.

What is the meaning of leisure activities?

An activity chosen for pleasure, relaxation, or other emotional satisfaction, typically after work and other responsibilities are done. See also: activity. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners.

What are some examples of leisure activities?

Examples of leisure activities are bicycling, bowling, curling, horseback riding, golfing, hiking/walking, skating, skiing and swimming. However, not all leisure activities are sportive. Some people would rather spend their free time painting, drawing, reading, listening to music or meditating.

What is the synonym of leisurely?

Try to adopt a more relaxed manner. slow. He moved in a slow, unhurried way. easy. the easy pace set by pilgrims heading to Canterbury.

Is leisurely positive or negative?

Positive Connotation Negative Connotation
1. gaze stare
2. persuade brainwash
3. delayed tardy
4. leisurely lazily