What is the opposite for bleak?

What is the opposite for bleak?

bleak. Antonyms: warm, sheltered, verdant, luxuriant, zephyrous, balmy, halcyonic. Synonyms: blank, bare, open, cold, exposed, stormy, nipping.

What’s another word for bleak?

Some common synonyms of bleak are cheerless, desolate, dismal, dreary, and gloomy.

How do you use bleak?

Bleak sentence example

  1. In the winter the landscape is bleak and the house is drafty.
  2. The feeling of failure settled into her bleak thoughts.
  3. The surrounding country is bleak , and the coast is low.
  4. The landscape around them was bleak , almost as devoid of plant life as the white sands had been.

What are some things that are bleak?

Something that is bleak is gloomy and depressing. If it’s raining and dark, you might describe the night as bleak. If you have looked for work and no one will hire you, you could describe your prospects as bleak.

What is bleak day?

(esp. of a place or the weather) cold and not welcoming: It was a bleak, unpleasant day in December. Bleak also means without hope: With no job, the future looked bleak.

What is a bleak picture?

adjective. If a situation is bleak, it is bad, and seems unlikely to improve. bleakness uncountable noun.

What does bleak mean as used in this sentence?

Answer: bleak means cold. Explanation: its shows that he looks like he is a cold hearted and unapproachable.

Is pompous positive or negative?

Yes, it is generally negative, but as you can see, the 3rd meaning (which is not the usual interpretation) is neutral: 1. characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance: a pompous minor official.

How do you use pompous in a sentence?

He would never understand why she had married a pompous clergyman.

  1. He appears pompous but is a good man underneath.
  2. He’s a pompous old prig who’s totally incapable of taking a joke.
  3. He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.
  4. Don’t be so pompous.
  5. He was very pompous at the meeting.

What does pompous mean in English?

1 : excessively elevated or ornate pompous rhetoric. 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant a pompous politician. 3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp or splendor : magnificent.

What are the three dogmatic principle of fingerprint?

There are three dogmatic principles of finger prints; the principle of constancy, the principle of variation, the principle of infallibility. A fingerprint never changes during an individual’s lifetime.

What is dogmatic principle of fingerprint?

Fingerprint is governed by three dogmatic principles which are recognized judicially by the different courts of the world: principle of constancy, principle of variation, and principle of infallibility. Fingerprints are governed by three dogmatic principles which are recognized judicially by courts all over the world.

Who is the father of Chiroscopy?

1858-Sir William J. Herschel (FATHER OF CHIROSCOPY), in Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he used fingerprints in India to prevent fraudulent collection of army pay account and for identification of other documents.