What is the opposite of indiscreet?

What is the opposite of indiscreet?

What is the opposite word for Indiscreet? discreet. indiscreet and discreet. tactful. indiscreet and tactful.

What word can replace nonchalant?

Synonyms & Antonyms of nonchalant

  • apathetic,
  • casual,
  • complacent,
  • disinterested,
  • incurious,
  • indifferent,
  • insensible,
  • insouciant,

What is the opposite of vanity?

Opposite of excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements. modesty. humility. humbleness. meekness.

What is the opposite of solicitude?

solicitude. Antonyms: indifference, unconcern, carelessness, ease. Synonyms: anxiety, concern, trouble, carefulness, uneasiness, care.

What’s another word for insubordinate?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for insubordinate, like: disobedient, defiant, dissentious, factious, fractious, insurgent, mutinous, recalcitrant, riotous, unyielding and officious.

What is the opposite of antiquity?

Opposite of the experience or events of the past. future. tomorrow. futurity. hereafter.

Why is it called antiquity?

The term Antiquity was first used by Renaissance writers who distinguished between Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the more recent times they were living in. It can refer to any period before c. 500 AD, but usually refers to Classical Antiquity that specifically means the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome.

What time period is antiquity?

The Age of Antiquity, also known as the Ancient Era, spanned the beginning of recorded human history, about 3000 BC, to aproximately the mid 400’s, the Early Middle Ages.

What is the opposite of compliant?

Antonyms: determined, dogged, firm, inflexible, intractable, obstinate, opinionated, resolute, self-willed, stubborn, unyielding, wilful. Synonyms: amenable, docile, gentle, manageable, obedient, pliable, pliant, submissive, tame, teachable, tractable, yielding.

What’s another word for compliant?

What is another word for compliant?

obedient submissive
tractable complaisant
cooperative docile
yielding adaptable
flexible manageable

Is Incompliant a word?

adjective. not compliant; unyielding. not pliant.

What is the word recalcitrant origin?

Recalcitrant is from Latin calcitrare, meaning “to kick,” so someone who is recalcitrant is kicking back against what’s wanted of them. Synonyms are unruly, intractable, and refractory, all referring to what is difficult to manage or control.

What do you call someone who challenges authority?

defiance Add to list Share. Stand up when the powers that be order you to sit down, and you’ve given a fine example of defiance. It happens when someone or a group of someones openly flouts or challenges authority.

Which is correct recalcitrant or Incalcitrant?

As adjectives the difference between recalcitrant and incalcitrant. is that recalcitrant is marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority while incalcitrant is recalcitrant.

What is the opposite of recalcitrant?

Antonyms for recalcitrant compliant, amenable, agreeable, obedient, yielding, passive, manageable.

What are 2 synonyms for recalcitrant?

Some common synonyms of recalcitrant are headstrong, intractable, refractory, ungovernable, unruly, and willful. While all these words mean “not submissive to government or control,” recalcitrant suggests determined resistance to or defiance of authority.

What is a tractable model?

A ‘tractable’ model is one that you can solve, which means there are several types of tractability : analytical tractability (finding a solution to a theoretical model), empirical tractability (being able to estimate/calibrate your model) and computational tractability (finding numerical solutions).

What is the opposite of tractable?

Antonyms: unsusceptible, unmanageable, stubborn, intractable, refractory, insusceptible, balking, balky, uncontrollable, unmalleable. Synonyms: conformable, amenable, manipulable.

What is tractable problem?

In NP-complete problem. So-called easy, or tractable, problems can be solved by computer algorithms that run in polynomial time; i.e., for a problem of size n, the time or number of steps needed to find the solution is a polynomial function of n. Algorithms for solving hard, or intractable, problems, on…

What are tractable and non tractable problems?

Tractable Problem: a problem that is solvable by a polynomial-time algorithm. The upper bound is polynomial. Intractable Problem: a problem that cannot be solved by a polynomial-time al- gorithm. The lower bound is exponential.

How do you solve an intractable problem?

If you’ve run out of ideas for solving a complex, intractable problem, try this exercise, drawn from the Appreciative Inquiry approach. It works by finding what’s already working well and building on it, rather than trying to analyse the causes of problems. Get solution-focused!

What makes a problem intractable?

Intractable Problems. From a computational complexity stance, intractable problems are problems for which there exist no efficient algorithms to solve them. Most intractable problems have an algorithm – the same algorithm – that provides a solution, and that algorithm is the brute-force search.