What is the opposite word of amicable?

What is the opposite word of amicable?

amicable. Antonyms: unfriendly, unpropitious, unfavorable, unkind, cold, distant, antagonistic, hostile, adverse. Synonyms: friendly, propitious, favorable, kind, cordial, neighborly, sociable.

What is inimical mean?

1 : being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence forces inimical to democracy. 2a : having the disposition of an enemy : hostile inimical factions. b : reflecting or indicating hostility : unfriendly his father’s inimical glare.

How do you use inimical in a sentence?

Inimical in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Although I attempt to avoid the school bully, he always goes out of his way to be inimical to me.
  2. The police officer had an inimical attitude towards criminals.
  3. Even though my husband’s ex-wife is an inimical woman, I usually try to be nice to her.
  4. The dog and cat are inimical to each other.

What is the synonyms of inimical?

Synonyms & Antonyms of inimical

  • adversarial,
  • adversary,
  • antagonistic,
  • antipathetic,
  • hostile,
  • inhospitable,
  • jaundiced,
  • mortal,

What is inimical in homeopathy?

Abstract. Background: In homeopathy some drugs are known to act as complementary, antidotal or inimical to a particular drug. Practitioners can follow this rule when they apply one drug following another. Potentized Nux vomica can reduce acute hypnotic effect of alcohol on toads.

What are inimical remedies?

In homeopathy some drugs are known to act as complementary, antidotal or inimical to a particular drug. Practitioners can follow this rule when they apply one drug following another. Potentized Nux vomica can reduce acute hypnotic effect of alcohol on toads.

What are modalities in homeopathy?

Modality is the circumstances and conditions that affect or modify a symptom. In every individual case, prescription based on modalities are sole guide to choose of remedy.

What are concomitant symptoms?

Concomitant means occurring during the same time period. It usually refers to secondary symptoms that occur with a main symptom.

What is D potency in homeopathy?

Some homeopaths developed a decimal scale (D or X), diluting the substance to ten times its original volume each stage. The D or X scale dilution is therefore half that of the same value of the C scale; for example, “12X” is the same level of dilution as “6C”.

Which potency is best in homeopathy?

Which is potency is stronger? Less is more in homeopathy. 30x is more dilute, but also more potent and therefore deeper-acting than 6X. The benefit of 6X is that it requires less precision in selection and can be ideal for light, repeatable dosing.

Which is better mother tincture or dilution?

Mother tincture is the fresh form of making where as by dilution it becomes more potent. The herbal tincture is extra potent because it has added the fresh material in the tincture medicine corresponded to a mother tincture in which the mother substance is diluted more.

What is lowest potency in homeopathy?

Low potency remedies (6s, 12c) do contain a measurable amount of substance, but these remedies are supposedly less effective than the high potency forms. It goes against basic chemistry principles that a solution with no product is stronger than a solution with a small amount of the product.

Is 1000 CH the same as 1M?

M is the Roman numeral for 1,000, so a 1M means the cycle has been repeated 1000 times. Similarly, 10M yields a high potency where the dilution and sucussion process has been repeated 10,000 times.

Is 30C or 200CK stronger?

Answer: 30C is the highest available dilution of the C scale. 200CK is a medium (“run of the mill”) dilution of the CK scale.

What does C mean in homeopathy?

The higher the numeral preceding the X or C, the lower the concentration of active ingredient in the medicine. While counterintuitive, homeopaths believe that a homeopathic medicine is more powerful the more times the active ingredients has been diluted.

What is Arnica 200ck used for?

Arnica is most commonly used for pain caused by osteoarthritis, sore throat, surgery, and other conditions. Arnica is also used for bleeding, bruising, swelling after surgery, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Arnica can also be unsafe when taken by mouth.

Does Arnica actually work?

There is some evidence that arnica is effective in healing bruises and osteoarthritis. It has not been studied for any anticancer effects. Laboratory experiments on arnica have shown that it can kill bacteria and decrease inflammation. However, it is not clear if the herb has similar effects in humans.

Is it safe to take Arnica everyday?

Arnica Warnings Pure arnica herb is poisonous. Homeopathic doses are generally considered safe to use. Homeopathic arnica creams or gels can cause burning and skin irritation. Risks.

Who should not take arnica?

Those who have a ragweed allergy or an allergy to other members of the Asteraceae family should avoid arnica, as these belong to the same plant family ( 24 , 28 ). Finally, those with certain medical conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, high blood pressure, and arrhythmias, should avoid its use ( 24 ).

Is Arnica good for back pain?

Arnica montana This remedy relieves lower back aches and stiffness from overexertion or minor trauma.