What is the part of speech for the word elusive?

What is the part of speech for the word elusive?

adjective. Something or someone that is elusive is difficult to find, describe, remember, or achieve.

What is an example of elusive?

It’s not easy, because mice are quick and elusive — they’re tough to catch. Rabbits are speedy, so they’re elusive too. Also, things that are tough to understand or describe are elusive — like the concepts of love and beauty. If you had an idea and then forgot it, the idea is elusive: it slipped away.

What are synonyms for elusive?

other words for elusive

  • ambiguous.
  • fleeting.
  • illusory.
  • puzzling.
  • slippery.
  • subtle.
  • tricky.
  • volatile.

What is the best definition of elusive?

: tending to elude: such as. a : tending to evade grasp or pursuit elusive prey. b : hard to comprehend or define. c : hard to isolate or identify.

What is an elusive thought?

preferring or living in solitude and anonymity. difficult to rememberan elusive thought.

What is the word for hard to get?

What is another word for hard to get to?

hard-to-reach inaccessible
faraway far-flung
outlying out of the way
remote unapproachable
unattainable away

What’s a word for hard to get?

What is another word for hard to find?

isolated inaccessible
remote faraway
unreachable distant
elusive out-of-the-way
difficult to get to out of the way

What is a word that means trying to win or achieve something?

verb. to try to win a competition.

What’s another word for getting stuff done?

Some common synonyms of accomplish are achieve, discharge, effect, execute, fulfill, and perform.

What do you call a determined person?

Use the adjective resolute to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way.

How do you be a person who gets things done?

Here are some ways to think about time and getting more done.

  1. Take two minutes to imagine your productive day.
  2. Create a theme and a personal promise.
  3. Make appointments with yourself.
  4. Schedule your week by types of tasks.
  5. Or schedule your week by types of time.
  6. Train your brain to get to work during focus time.