What is the primary goal of cross-examination?

What is the primary goal of cross-examination?

To enumerate it briefly, the purpose of cross examine is to: attack the witnesses’ credibility and reliability, bring out evidence that is helpful to the case and. bring out evidence that is harmful to the opponent’s case.

What is a funnel question?

Funnel Questions This technique involves starting with general questions, and then drilling down to a more specific point in each. Usually, this will involve asking for more and more detail at each level. It’s often used by detectives taking a statement from a witness: “How many people were involved in the fight?”

What is an example of a loaded question?

A loaded question is a trick question, which presupposes at least one unverified assumption that the person being questioned is likely to disagree with. For example, the question “have you stopped mistreating your pet?” is a loaded question, because it presupposes that you have been mistreating your pet.

What are examples of loaded language?

Examples of Loaded Language

  • Aggravate vs. annoy.
  • Agony vs. discomfort.
  • Atrocious vs. bad.
  • Bony vs. slim.
  • Bureaucrat vs. public servant.
  • Categorical vs. specific.
  • Challenging vs. distressing.
  • Damaging vs. hurtful.

What would you do questions for friends?

71 Good Questions To Ask Your Best Friends

  1. What embarrasses you the most and/or what’s been your most embarrassing moment?
  2. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?
  3. What would be your perfect day?
  4. What’s your biggest fear?
  5. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?
  6. What’s your all-time favorite memory?

What is a loaded question in statistics?

Loaded questions are questions written in a way that forces the respondent into an answer that doesn’t accurately reflect his or her opinion or situation. This key survey mistake will throw off your survey respondents and is one of the leading contributors to respondents abandoning surveys.

What is a baited question?

The bait question is a non-accusatory question in which the possible existence of incriminating evidence is implied for the purpose of enticing the subject to change or consider changing his original statements. The bait question may be based on real or fictitious evidence.

What’s a question with no answer called?

rhetorical question

How do you avoid biased questions?

1. Be careful while framing your survey questionnaire

  1. Keep your questions short and clear. Although framing straightforward questions may sound simple enough, most surveys fail in this area.
  2. Avoid leading questions.
  3. Avoid or break down difficult concepts.
  4. Use interval questions.
  5. Keep the time period short and relevant.

What are the 4 types of bias?

Above, I’ve identified the 4 main types of bias in research – sampling bias, nonresponse bias, response bias, and question order bias – that are most likely to find their way into your surveys and tamper with your research results.